Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas is coming.

 And may the God of love be with you. 2 Cor 13:11

I look at the tinsel and baubles hanging on the garden gate and ponder the meaning of Christmas and then my gaze rests on the nativity scene set on a table by the fence for those walking past to see and reflect on and  I just sit in the mystery of it all in the quietness.   Two words fall into my mind: Christmas and Shalom.  I like to break the word Christmas up holding onto the Christ within it, Christ-mas for with out Christ there is no Christmas. As Christ came into  the world that Christmas nigh to live among us  I pray he will come  and live within us. Then the word Shalom - peace. This is a far deeper meaning than just a sense of peace, its a deep indescribable peace presence not just within our self but within the way we lead our lives and regard our neighbours and all living things.  I have a different feel about Christmas this year. Its a feeling of a deep love for Jesus and the gratefulness that he is in my life, no, that he is my way of live. So be it for you also.

Blessings, love and peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                While shepherds watched their flocks by night

Monday, December 20, 2021

Storms of life.

Hide me under the shadow of your wings. Psalm17:18

Here we are watching, waiting, preparing, embracing the coming of Christmas and I was reflecting on these matters from the sacred space when I saw a baby bird that had been thrown out of the tree along with its nest in the storm that had just been. It was  stunned and anxious as was its mother watching from close by. I picked up the little one and it stood on its feet but was too young to fly.  It hopped off into the bushes where it was comforted by its mother and though still in the storm was feeling safe under her wings. I thought of the storms in our lives and how we flounder and fall away from home.  God is the father/mother that can calm the storms for us and bring peace when caught in the storms of life. What a great feeling it is to know we can run to him and hide under the shelter of his wings. What imagery!

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ. Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                Storms of life.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Your maker and your God.

 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys. Song of Songs 2:1

I don't have to go beyond the garden fence to see the beauty of the Lord and everywhere I look is a place of prayer because the imagery reminds me of something of God. I wonder do you find that you cast your gaze on something and immediately and from know where comes God thoughts? I stooped to smell the rich perfume of the deep red rose and immediately thought of an elderly friend and Christ's love we have shared over so many years and I give thanks. I often wonder when our heart is touched how can we pray because sometimes the 'touch' leaves us speechless, then I think of the words of a poem  where it says: 'In sweetest, smiling bloom, declare your maker and your God.' and that's the prayer.

Grace, peace and hope this Advent season

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                        The red, red rose.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Beckoning - come!

 The sun comes up its a new day dawning. Its time to sing your song again. Bless the Lord Oh my soul worship his holy name (1000 reasons by Matt Redman)

A quiet fell all around in the morning stillness as I visited the sacred space, amerced in welcome, beckoning - come - and I came and I saw God everywhere as my gaze fell on the garden about me and rested on the pale yellow and pink aquilegia, or grandma's bonnet as we call them,  and I thought how I had come here, not to seek God's help but to seek him, and as always happens he was there, everywhere, and as I pondered on the Aquilegia, the grandma's bonnet, I thought about and elderly lady who I don't know but who I came to know about through a book I brought in a second hand book shop. Inside the front cover was a note in a  shaky hand which said, ' its me again God, I am here, you are here, you are everywhere. Let us pray together the prayer your Father gave us.' How blessed are we by the simple gifts others leave for us to discover.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                            How blessed are we.

Friday, December 10, 2021

A touched heart

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see their God. Matthew 5:8

My gaze rested on a spent rose, visible from my sacred space. It had  come to bud, flourished in its life and  brought awe and wonder to many a passer by but now it was fading. It had run the race of life and rested quietly on the bush dropping its petals one by one. As my gaze deepened into meditation I reflected on an elderly lady in our church service in the nursing home, a beautiful Christian lady who faithfully attended and even in her dementia, participated. Since seeing her last time she had deteriorated in health and was now in a day bed seemingly asleep. I looked at her and thought, she is on her way to God . As communion was distributed she was gently tapped on the shoulder to see if she was conscious and her eyes opened wide and in a strong voice said. 'I am still here.'  and received her communion before succumbing to sleep again. It was a wonderful God moment that truly touched my heart. I read a quote  which said: A touched heart means that in some way God has come.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                I am still here!

Monday, December 6, 2021

A smell that is heavenly

 O what a gift, what a wonderful gift - who can tell the wonders of the Lord? Let us open our eyes, our ears and our hearts; it is Christ the Lord it is he! TIS 278

It was the sweet smell, a smell that is heavenly coming from the deep crimson Buddleia bush  which drew me into my contemplation today in my sacred spot and it reminded me of the words of an elderly lady who visited the chapel in the nursing home when her husband was dying , and left me a note, written in a shaky hand, on a small torn off piece of paper  which said. 'Rev'd Anne, can you smell God? When I came to the chapel today it was filled with this beautiful perfume yet there were no flowers in the chapel. So lovely was it that I just wanted to sit awhile and be. Was this God?  she asked.

Be enriched by the  things that come to us when we see in the light. (of God)

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                    Made by God.

Friday, December 3, 2021

Stay awhile with me

My beloved has gone down to the garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the garden and gather lilies. Song of Songs 6:2

I have come to my sacred space with no shoes on today as I feel God is there before me, waiting, waiting for me to sit and just be. As I do that my eyes fall on the garden and on a flower in front of me, a glorious fuchsia and for several minutes I contemplate on what I am seeing: I look deep into its colours and envisage the creator with his palate of paints deciding which colours to use. 'This one? no, this one -  perhaps that one  - and I think of all the flowers in the garden with their different shapes and colours and sizes, intrinsic detail,  and marvel at the joy God must have had in making them and painting them just for me, just for you, his beloved. It seemed a long time that I sat with God in no hurry to go anywhere. Macrina  Wiederkehr says contemplation is like going to heaven for awhile.

Jehovah - Shalom the  Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Heads bowed in prayer.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Come Lord Jesus

O you who answers prayer. Psalm 65:2
The invitation is there in my sacred space in the garden, for God to join me for a cup of tea, or was it him who invited me there?
However, as we sat I pondered on a cluster of sticks, seemingly dead in a pot at my feet and thought, ' It's time I threw that out' but then I saw a tiny bud, a sign of hope, swelling on a fragile stick and I was curious. I must tend to that and nurture it I thought. (Unbeknown at the time, that bud was to turn into a beautiful Fuchsia of pink and purple flowers with their heads bent as if in prayer.)  This seemingly dead stick was to me a symbol, a reminded for me  to watch for the green shoots, new life, and reflect that with God the end is never the end but the beginning of new things.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Tea with God

 Jesus said: 'Come a way with me. Let us go to a quiet place and rest awhile.' Mark 6:31-33

I have a sacred space outside surrounded by my garden and signs of work in progress with pots being filled with dirt for planting,   a shovel leaning on the fence and a little dog exploring and there I sit having invited God to join me with a cup of tea.  In this space the birds are splashing in the birdbath and looking for breakfast among the clusters of colourful flowers whose perfume fills the air and there is silence and there is peace and there is God. Today as I was reflecting and chatting with God he drew my attention to a tree fully washed from overnight rain and it was aglow with raindrops just like someone had flung a multitude of fairy lights over it or as Macrina  Wiederkehr would say its a tree full of angels  and look, see the holiness  wrapped in the ordinary. What do you see from your sacred space as you have tea with God?

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                Fairy lights or angels.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Lord is here.

 I am with you always. Matthew 28:20

Imagery can be so strong!

Every time I see a flower growing through a crack of the path or out of a stone wall thoughts such as this come to mind:

May you always notice the (dazzling white) flowers growing up between the cracks and may your life be full of little resurrections (Neil Paynter)

May the Peace of Christ dwell in your heart.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                We grow through the cracks in our lives.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Yes, it is I

In your presence there is fullness of joy, in your right hand are pleasures forever more.  Psalm 16:11

Some mornings are just almighty 'Hello' from God expressed in the sky of deep red, orange and the  fading black of the night. 'Here I am ' it was saying, 'Here I am right here with you. What you are looking at , what you are in awe of, is me.

Meister Eckhart said: Who ever possess God in their being, has him in a divine manner, and he shines out of them in all things: for them all things taste of God and in all things it is God's image that they see.'  So very very true.

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Your blessing only

Hearts burning within us. Luke 24. ( and so they saw Christ) 

Sometimes the presence of God's blessings takes your breath away. Sometimes  the blessing is meant to be just yours and it turns into a prayer on your breath. Such blessings often catch you unawares and last a life time. One such blessing came when my ear rested on the merry trilling  song of the Blue Wren and my eyes fell on it brilliant metallic blue feathers. The first blessing this little bird gave me has impacted my life and bonded with me. God's blessings come in many forms, often sighted or heard by just you at that particular time. That is your blessing, God sent.

 Jehovah - Shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                              Darling little things of God.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Caught off guard

The Lord bless you and keep you. Numbers 6:24

How lovely are the spring flowers. It's like God opened a window in heaven and poured out his blessings. Joyce Rupp says: The loveliness of a single flower in radiant bloom can sing my drooping spirit into joy. How true. How very true. I cant look at a rose bud, or poppy capsule, or pending daffodil and not sense the blessing to come and as for the sweet peas, how can such a glorious perfume fill that small pod?  I read this prayer by Frederick  Buechner: Lord, catch me off guard today, surprise me with some moment of beauty  so that at least for the moment I may be startled into seeing that you are here in all your splendour, always and everywhere, barely hidden, beneath, beyond, within this life I breathe.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                The great Love of God O how lavishly given.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Morning glory

 Give me joy in my heart, keep me singing, give me joy in my heart I pray.  (New Harvest 58)

So many things wrap my heart in joy but nothing more so than the rising at first light. There is such an urgency and excitement about the dawn - its like a calling - 'Come, it says, come quickly before I pass and we haven't met.'  The sweet song of the blackbird, first call of the morning is saying come, come quickly for my first song is just for those who choose to hear it. But best of all in this morning call is the love of God who fills it all.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Glorious things of thee are spoken

Friday, November 5, 2021

I just have to be present

 O breath of life come sweeping through us.... O breath of love, come breathe within us TIS 409

What is it that sustains you? There are some things in life that draw me closer to my inner self, that feed my soul, that  beckon me  to be present. Its like a breath-taking sunset that compels you to stop in your tracks in awe, in wonder and delight. The sight hits you deep within and communes with your soul. Likewise the beautiful little honeyeater getting its joy from deep within a flower as it feeds on the nectar that fills it with delight. If you are close enough to it you will see the rapture in its eyes. And I am  draw by the perfume in the evening air  coming from the vine of sweet-peas and I just have to be present.  What is it that sustains you?  I am reminded of the Latin phrase 'The Vestigia Dei - the fingerprint or footprint of God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

Fill thou my life O Lord I pray

Monday, November 1, 2021

Here is seed for you.

 Here is seed for you, go and sow the land. Genesis 47:23

These words thread  right through our understanding of passing on the word of God. Any plant seed that is given to us and planted will grow but if we leave it on the bench it will wither and die. Some of the biggest Oak trees I have ever seen in my life were in Sherwood Forrest in the UK yet they grew from a tiny acorn. I love to stand under a big tree and ponder on its journey from the small seed to this massive growth of branches and leaf canopy. If no one is about I might talk to it and tell it what a miracle it is. As for the blossom trees, how come such a tiny seed can produce not only a tree but beautiful blossoms. How does all of that fit in a tiny seed? What a wonderful God. We are full of the seeds of knowledge of our Saviour Jesus Christ, sown into us by someone where it has grown and blossomed. Life changing, life filling, life meaning. Never underestimate the power of a seed, sown it will grow.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord


                         I ponder on how many seeds have grown from this original one..

Friday, October 29, 2021

Feathered blessings

 For he is our peace. Ephesians 2:14

Isn't it a great space to be in with yourself when you feel you could just sit and watch the birds in the bird bath all day long as they splash, paddle and sing spring songs. I see them as little feathered blessings and such pondering gives me a great feeling of rest, peace and quiet, a feeling that says 'just stay where you are and let the world roll by'  But its more than that, its a feeling of the presence and Jesus and that's why its hard to pull away from it. Into my mind comes a picture of the disciples sitting on a hillside with Jesus filled with love.

Jehovah - Shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                    Such delight!

Monday, October 25, 2021

Skies of blue, clouds of white


For in him all things were created. Col 1:16

Whether it’s a thick fog full of mystery, a storm of lightening and clashing thunder, a brilliant sunrise, an even more brilliant sunset, crashing waves on the sea shore, birds of every type filling our skies or flowers, a kaleidoscope of colour in the garden, it is all made by the hand of God our creator and I say, 'When you see the beauty around you, let each little detail remind you to lift your head in praise.' O God, our God, how wonderfully you have made it all for our joy and delight.

I love that song which goes:  I see the skies of blue, clouds of white, the bright blessed day, the dark sacred night and I say to myself, what a beautiful world. (Louis Armstrong)

Each day. Every day lift your head and thank God for all you see.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                   Yes, he made you too!


Friday, October 22, 2021

Lost in wonder love and praise

For this is how God loved the world. John 3:16

Jesus would say: 'Loose yourself in me and find my love.' Oh how I love to do that. It can be as simple as looking into the face of a beautiful flower, or a passing moment when you turn the  corner in the garden and its filled with the perfume of the sweet peas or roses, or it can be looking into the eyes of the rosella who slowly turns its head away from the bush of berries it is feeding on to give you a look of knowing. And its so easy to feel that love  sitting with a group of elderly people in the nursing home service singing 'The great love of God O how lavishly Given.' Loose yourself in me and find my love, says Jesus.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                Its all God's love

Monday, October 18, 2021

The morning stars sang

God of unchanging power, when the heaven and earth were made, the morning stars sang together and the host of heaven shouted for joy: open our eyes to the wonders of your creation. (APBA portion of the prayer of the week)

 Every night, last thing before I hop into bed, I go outside and say good night to God as I look up to the night sky. The bright moon - the multiple millions, no billions of stars, winking at the earth, all taking their places in the universe and order of things and I am in wonder and awe of our God. Somehow it leaves me with a great sense of love and peace. 

Camille Pissarro said: Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing.


Anne, servant of the Lord. 

                                                            God is in his house.

Friday, October 15, 2021

The banquet house

 He brought me to the banqueting house and his intention towards me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4

Simple joys can be found every day  if we are open to them. We can look with our eyes and not see or we can look with our soul and see so much. For a week or more now I have been watching the roses budding. The swelling of the bud with a hint of colour showing through its tip is a daily watch of expectation. Expectation of what is hidden, of what is to come and the wonder of all through  its phases of its life until it reaches its full potential -  perfect formation in its layers of petals, or layers of skirts as Mary Oliver would say, and the perfume well, as we say, is heavenly and yes, there are thorns but they also have a message. I think I will call the garden the 6th gospel, full of messages and stories that link us to God. (The 5th gospel is claimed in biblical Israel when you follow in the footsteps  of Jesus)

Enjoy all you see with the eyes of your soul. Pause in wonder and see through it to God.

Jehovah - shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                            God's love

Monday, October 11, 2021

Sing your spirt into joy.

 My peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. John 14:27

The endurance of us all in lockdown is perhaps running a bit thin. We have mixed feelings. Perhaps we are keen to resume some form of more natural living or perhaps we might want to just stay in our own home bubble, either way our spirit is probably waning. Around my garden and on my permitted walk I find my spirit is lifted considerably as I see, with more awareness, the beauty of spring, the birds of the air and sense the perfume of flowers. Have they all been more obvious because we are living in a quieter, stiller life and how do we retain that when life resumes again in all its business? Thoughts for reflection and prayer.

Joyce Rupp writes: The loveliness of a single flower in radiant bloom can sing my drooping spirit into joy.

May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                A thing of beauty.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Where green shoots grow

 'I am the resurrection and the life.' says the Lord. John 11:25

Something stirs in my spirit when I look at a dead tree stump that is rich with new growth. The stirring is of God, the image is of God, the thoughts are of God.

Joyce Rupp said: A green shoot grows out of an old stump, announcing to the world that power lies in death. 

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Faith in resurrection.

Monday, October 4, 2021

God's hour

 Strength and beauty are in his sanctuary: Psalm 96:6

There is such an urgency and an excitement about the dawn of a new day. Its like a 'calling' that can't be resisted. 'Come, 'it says, 'come quickly before I pass and we haven't met.'  The air is still and the morning light is infused with colour in anticipation of the rising sun. The dew is still on the grass and little notes of morning welcome, the only sound to hear, comes from within the trees as a little bird sing its praises of a new day. I picture it standing tall on its spindly legs, head held high and its tiny beak wide open sending forth note after note of praises to God.  I like to think it is singing morning praises to God, just as I do when I am 'called' to see the dawn. I reflect on the words of  William Wordsworth who said: Blessed was it that dawn to be alive.

Jehovah -shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord

And the little bird sings.

Friday, October 1, 2021

God in full view.

 You are before me, Lord, you are behind, and over me you have spread out your hand; such knowledge is too wonderful for me, to high to grasp, to great to understand. TIS 87

I read a quote which said: 'Life should be a constant vision of God's presence.' (Maclaren) and I found myself nodding in agreement as I watched the bulging life giving drops of water run off the end of the eucalyptus leaves not only marvelling at their jewel like colour as the sun shone through them but also reflecting on the 'living water' that Jesus offers us and the sustenance it gives his creation. Then I can turn around to see the swelling buds on the rose bushes and think of the potential of beauty amidst the thorns, of pain and of glory, and then the spring bulbs that have risen from the dark earth into the light and in the corner of the garden other flowers have heads bent in prayerful posture. There is very little space that I turn to that is not filled with God's presence. It's like something that is always with you, and it is,- always with you, for God is never far away. Learning to live in the vision of God's presence comes when we learn how to live in the moment day by day, when God is near and worries are far off.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Heads bowed in prayer.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Do you look under the bed at night?

 Fear not for I am with you. Isaiah 41:10

I hear so many say, 'O yes, I trust God,' yet they are compelled to look under the bed at night before they hop in!' I think all of us have probably done that at some stage in our life but that's before we really and truly put our full trust in God, before we really and truly knew him. When I look at the spring flowers of the garden that faithfully reappear every season and the new fresh green growth on the barren winter nakedness of the trees I am inclined to believe in full trust. I see the baby birds growing up in the so fragile looking  nest that seems to just cling to a branch, vulnerable to the wind , yet it stays there. Now that is trust.  There is so much going on in the world that can alarm us but.- Trust in the Lord with all your heart.(Proverbs 3:5)

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord


Friday, September 24, 2021

Have the vines budded?

 Let us go early to the vineyards to see if the vines have budded, if their blooms have opened, and if the pomegranates are in bloom -there I will give you my love. The mandrakes send out their fragrance and at the door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my lover. Song of Songs 7: 12-13

Often I say to God, let us go out and have a look at the garden. Let us go and see and touch and smell all of their beauty and commune together on their mystery and your creation. The garden I find is full of the scriptures, in fact every living thing is God's words in life and how much more aware of that are we after the spring bulbs have pushed their way through the cold dark earth to blossom into a thing of great beauty and delight. They tell of death and life, of the flowers of the field that blossom and fade away and of the 'glorious thing of thee that are spoken.'   Sit in the garden with God and commune on his marvellous handiwork which he created to shower us with his love and fill us with his joy.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.   Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                            Glorious things of thee are spoken

Monday, September 20, 2021

Love God

 The Great love of God O how lavishly given. TIS 164

I often wake up with this lovely hymn on my mind and am still humming it as I get breakfast. The love of God who gave us his Son Jesus and this beautiful world we live in and the joy of that is something I want to shout to the world. I want to say come, taste and see that the Lord is good.  I had been sharing an agape meal on zoom with a small gathering and this beautiful prayer was said: Beloved friend, stay in love with God. As God's light shines in your lives, shine that light into your world. Our meal here is ended, but God's banquet continues. Take the banquet into the world, and never give up until all people are fed. Ah yes, stay in love with God and - Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

Anne, servant of the Lord 


Monday, September 13, 2021

Friday, September 10, 2021

Glorious things that speak of God.

 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole world is full of his glory. Is 6:4

I say amen to that! Having just come in from a walk around the garden I am 'full of the images of God's glory.' Not just from the colour of the glorious spring flowers and the perfume filled air but also with the song of the birds and the chatter and business of a pair of wattle birds as they gather and feed their young in the nest. I marvel at the birds ability to build such a structure that withstands wind and rain and is hidden among the branches and leaves for safety. God has given every living thing gifts, even the birds of the air and the flowers with their beauty to give joy. Well we can pray: For the beauty of the earth, for glorious things that speak of you, dear Lord we give you thanks.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                Glorious things of you are spoken.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Sparkling like gems.

 Glorious things of you are spoken. TIS 446

What a delight. Following the rain as the sun shone on the flowering bush in the garden it was alight with hundreds of what looked like fairy lights, drops of rain hanging from each flower tip, bursting with the water of life,  sunlit, sparkling like gems and it was a loveliness that spoke of God. As I meditated on the delight before me a thought came from the back of my mind of something I had read which said: 'O thou whose eternal presence is hid behind the veil of nature.'  And it was, and is. God is always in his creation it just needs us to be still and focused enough on him to see it.

Blessings in abundance on the gift of a new day.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                What a delight!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Feed your soul

 Sing to the Lord a new song, play skilfully, and shout for joy. Psalm 33: 3

What a glorious spring morning and I am out to find a space in the gardening where God can work with me. Where he can refresh my thoughts and build on relationship, where true joy may be found, where the winged birds of the air will fill it with song and nestle busily in the Grevilia   for their daily feast of nectar. Its all a feast that feeds the soul and can be found right at my doorstep. Where, I wonder do you feed your soul?

Jehovah - shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                God's gifts.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Scatter the fragrance.

 Send out fragrance like incense and put forth blossoms like a lily. Scatter the fragrance and sing a hymn of praise; bless the Lord for all his works. Ecclesiastes 39:14 

I paused. I  looked. I touched. I smelt. I marvelled. There is something deeply spiritual about just wandering in the garden, humming quietly that familiar hymn that just always comes to mind when we look at the awe of God - 'How Great Thou Art.' In my wandering I look at every flower in detail and I look to its creator. Such intricate work, such beautiful design, such glorious colours, such  joy and every flower filled with its own special fragrance that infuses my mind with memories.

Fanny Robinson wrote: Thus musing in a garden nook, each flower is as a written book, and rich the stores of Holy thought, that by these blossoms fair are brought.

Peace to those who are near and peace to those who are far off.

Anne, servant of the Lord.


                                            Oh, what a gift what a wonderful gift.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Heavenly hosts.

 Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory. Psalm 24:10

I recall as a child being shattered when someone told me there was no such thing as angels. 'But there has to be' was my response. 'God talks about them, they are his helpers.' This person couldn't be convinced and I went away saying to myself, ' Anyway, I know there is, I have seen them.'   Our earthly journey is accompanied by 'members of the Heavenly hosts,' those who come alongside to console, empower and encourage us.  We don't always recognise  it when we are being 'unwittingly entertained by angels.' and its often in hindsight that it becomes  obvious. I suspect at in todays world of pandemic, floods and bushfires with so much happening that the 'heavenly hosts' are very busy, even just in our neighbourhoods during lock down. Perhaps you have been visited by one? Perhaps you are one?  I thank God for his angels and this morning especially I pray that they are present among  many in Afghanistan.

May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

Earthly angels.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Capture a delight

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13

What was the delight you captured on your hours walk today and brought home as a memory? I find I am seeing and savouring more detail. I see beauty like the deep purple clump of violets  gone wild in the grass near the walkway that I had only briefly seen in passing before but never pondered on the how or the why of their presence there. I captured the  bright, ever so bright red of the front of the King Parrots  chest, so brilliant red, and it matched the brilliance of his green back when he turned about. That memory was imprinted in me for the rest of my walk home. Ah such beauty from a wonderful creator. My gifts to bring home from my walk.

I read this quote: Watch windflowers dance in the breeze for a moment of pure joy.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                  The joy of the dancing windflowers.

Friday, August 20, 2021

The Lord-Shalom

 - -- so Gideon built an altar there to the Lord and called it The Lord - Shalom

Gideon discovered that he could find peace in the Lord. We know that fear paralyses us and it petrifies us and if we hold onto fear it will disrupt our life, in fact it could
change the course of our life. But we also know that God can dispel our fears because is he not the God of peace?

Have you built an altar, perhaps called a quiet place, a prayer space or a garden seat that you call The Lord - Shalom?    God's peace is there for us all if we take the time to be with him. In the garden, around my quiet space, I can look into the eye of a beautiful flower, dwell on the layer of its skirts and there is God, our creator, gently blowing in the wind, with peace.

In the middle of a pandemic search out that place where you find God and be with him in peace.

Jehovah-Shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Lockdown. - a curse or a blessing?

 Come away with me by yourself to a quiet place and rest awhile. Mark 6:31

   What are you doing during this period of being locked down? Besides doing a great catch up in and around the house. I have been spending time in the garden with roses to prune and flowers to smell. But I have had a great 'pull' in this period to go on a daily personal retreat. In the quiet and stillness making time to draw even nearer to God and looking deeper into his eyes in nature - and his voice in the  bird songs, now clear and joyful in a silent world. The one hour allowed outside for exercise I breathe in the clear, pollution free air full of the perfume of spring  to appreciate the outdoor beauty and picturing what God had in mind when he created the crested wood pigeon or the daffodil or the forget-me-not and why he put the trill in the tiny birds.   What are you doing during the lockdown?

A hymn by Getty called Holy Spirit backs my retreat: Holy Spirit, living Breath of God, breathe new life into my willing soul. Let the presence of the risen Lord come renew my heart and make me whole. Cause Your word to come alive in me; give me faith for what I cannot see, give me passion for your Purity; Holy Spirit breathe new life in me.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.  Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                        Have you ever watched a bee gathering pollen?

Friday, August 13, 2021

Sets the spirit ablaze with love.

 The sun when it appears, proclaims as it rises, what a marvellous instrument it is, the work of the most high. Sirach 43:2

This is a lovely reflection I read  sometime ago: 'As a new day shines over your place today remember God is reminding you of his glory - be in wonder of him. He is mighty and the perfecter of beauty.'

So much of our world is struggling in stress with climate change reactions and a deadly pandemic BUT God never fails us. These are times that we need to draw even closer to him, to pause and see there is good and hope in the beauty around us and in his faithfulness that never fails. No matter what our life might be like at the moment God will always make the sun to rise every day. Blessed are those who rise early enough each day to witness the sun rise on the creation of a new day. It sets the spirit ablaze with love for the creator.

May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                Morning glory.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Chubby balls of grey feathers.

 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within in me. Psalm 51:10

Has spring already arrived I found myself thinking as I stepped out the door into a balmy sort of morning and as I stood on the edge of the garden, with just me and God  I heard the call of a baby bird anxious for its breakfast being watched by its mother, one eye on the baby and one eye on the food gathering.  I marvelled at the increasing swell of the buds on the Japonica bush, some already bursting with delight  and the air is filled with the perfume of the wattle blossoms. From the bird bath came sounds of the joy of little finches bathing, splashing water all over while under the bird feeder were the sparrows, chubby balls of grey feathers always so happy, gathering crumbs and they, a pest to some, always bring me delight for they remind me of God's promise that he cares for us all, even the sparrows.

A few still moments at the front door with God sets the pace of the day. 

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                        Golden  Cootamundra wattle,

Friday, August 6, 2021

Memories are made of this.

 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above coming from the Father of lights. James 1:17

It was Fanny Robinson who said: Flowers are the gems that children love, yet we all delight to see and they bring a thousand memories of bygone days to me.

How very true that is. I couldn't resist while out walking yesterday, stopping to smell a Jonquil, attracted by its vivid white  flower foremost, because   also I  knew that if  I stooped to smell it I would visit that comforting, safe, warm place of peace as a child sitting in the paddock surrounded by the clumps of Jonquils filling the air with God's perfume.  Its the same memory as walking under a trellis of Wisteria or passing by the Daphne bush at the back door. They transport us to places of comfort  and joy in our memories. Spring is full of memories from the gardens that embrace our life. Enjoy them all and what they offer.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.    Anne, servant of the Lord. 


Monday, August 2, 2021

All things bright and beautiful

 Each little flower that opens each little bird that sings, he made their glowing colours he made their tiny wings. (Cecil F Alexander)

I love to walk in the garden. I love to admire the gardens when I go out walking. Each and every flower is an inspiration of God's thoughts and creativity and every perfume is his aroma.

From tiny forget-me-nots to long nodding trumpets of the bright yellow daffodils. The Lord God made them all.  I don't think you could look at a flower and not give God a smile.

I mean - look at the pansies' faces, they look so happy and childlike.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                            Bright and beautiful.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Faith HOPE and love

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Hope of the cold winter passing is the emergence of the green growth of the spring bulbs as they push their way through hard soil towards the sunlight and warmth and hope is the sweet perfume of the Daphne flowering at the front door, heralding Spring.

Hope is the bow in the sky full of colour and joy following the rain reminding us of God's covenant with his people. All these signs and more assure us that we can put our hope and trust in God. They fulfil our hope that God is  faithfully and loyally with us so why should we ever doubt when we don't see signs of hope for they too will come.

Grace and peace  from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, Servant of the Lord.

                                                Daphne - the hope of Spring.

Monday, July 26, 2021

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all.(2Corinthians 13:13)

Charles Dickens said: 

How can we tell what coming people are aboard the ships that may be sailing to us now from the unknown seas.

What a different changing world we are living in, Everything 'Coved pandemic' consumes our lives and actions. Every day is different, unpredictable, uncertain, difficult and lived in caution and in many places, fear. One thing I am so grateful for is my faith, and I pray in yours,  is the strong presence of God in my daily life. In the valleys and the mountains God is there  stabilising my world with this lovely familiar blessing we call the grace.

Peace to those who are far off and peace to those who are near.

Anne, servant of the Lord.



Friday, July 23, 2021

Pray to the Lord of peace.

 Let us pray. Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. (The Lord's prayer)

For time immortal prayers have gone to God from all corners of the earth. Prayers of the faithful and in hope and trust we lay them before him. We know prayer makes a difference, we know prayer changes things but sometimes we can be in a place of doubt. I read this lovely fable which you may know:    'Tell me the weight of a snowflake.' a coal mouse asked the white dove. 'Nothing more than nothing.' came the answer.  'In that case I must tell you a marvellous story,' the coal mouse said. 'I sat on a branch of a fir tree, close to its trunk, when it began to snow. Since I had nothing else to do, I counted the snow flakes settling on the twigs and needles of my branch. The number was exactly 3,741,952. When the next snow flake dropped on the branch - nothing more than nothing, as you say - the branch broke off. The dove, an authority on the matter since Noah's time, thought about the story awhile and finally said to herself: 'Perhaps there is only one persons voice lacking for peace to come about in the world.'  

May the Lord of Peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                                                 fir tree - peace.

Monday, July 19, 2021

Joy and deight

 Behold what manner of love the Father  hath bestowed upon us. 1 John 3:1

I think it is fairly obvious that if 'the Father' had not bestowed his love on us and called us children of God  then the wonders of the world would be somewhat obscured. With his love, so much around us is given to us - freely.  I reflected on this as the day broke and along with it the chatter of 5 or 6 King Parrots filled the air with excitement as they landed and began feasting on the beautiful flowering native bush outside my window. The sight reminded me of the title of Macrina Wiederkehr's book, 'A tree full of Angels.'  How blessed are we to know the manner of the Fathers love even in the ordinary things of life.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Anne, servant of the  Lord.

                                                            Ready for breakfast!

Friday, July 16, 2021

The glory of the rainbow is a splendid gift.

 I have set my bow in the cloud and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Genesis 9:13

When the rain stops the rainbow shows it is finished and  if you look for the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow you will never find it because the gift is not at the end of the rainbow but the rainbow itself. Its a  gift of  atmospheric beauty, the colours of the bow, and of God's promise to us to never flood the earth again. That's the treasure to be found in a  rainbow and the joy when seeing one.

I love this passage of scripture from Sirach 43:11 Look at the rainbow and praise him who made it: it is exceedingly beautiful in its brightness - it encircles the sky with its glorious arc - the hands of the most high have stretched it out.

                                            A splendid gift

Monday, July 12, 2021

He is here

 God is with you. 1 Samuel 10: 7

I suspect , in a corona virus ridden world, and in our own personal world, there well may be a few cries going up, 'Where is God?'

It is so easy to lose hold of the fact that God is with us in all things and at other times there is a great unquestionable  sense of his awareness. Think of your day, the ups and downs, the blessings and curses and pray today to hold onto what Samuel knew, - 'that God is with me.'

George Macdonald said: Few delights can equal the mere presence of one whom we trust utterly.

Jehovah - Shalom. The Lord is peace

Anne, servant of the Lord

                          Prophet  Samuels tomb and national park Israel.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Dark is not darkness at all

 And your right hand shall hold me fast. If I say surly the darkness shall cover me and the light around me become night even the darkness is not dark to you; The night is as bright as the day for the darkness is as light to you. psalm 139: 10-12

 These are some thoughts I shared with an elderly lady who was full of anxiety and darkness was overtaking her.  I said: How often have you been scared of the dark? I can recall as a child running down a dark corridor to my bedroom where there was a light on. I can recall waking up in the night terrified of the dark and hiding under the bedclothes frantically pleading with God to be under the bedclothes with me. I was scared stiff!!  Then as I grew older and God filled my life more and more I felt such fears leaving me. Even when I was doing a mine rescue at Coober Pedy and I would be  down a very, very deep mine shaft to rescue a fallen miner, sure I was scared of the dark but not terrified, because I had learnt to reach out for God's hand in times of need.

When fear and uncertainty creeps into the 'dark of life' stretch out your hand to God and feel his light filtering through to your fingertips, filtering through the darkness.

 Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ

Anne, servant of the Lord.

                                     Hold out your hand and feel his light filtering through.