Friday, May 6, 2011

who like me his praise should sing?

'Praise my soul the King of heaven, to his feet your tribute bring...' TIS 134

The first serious frost was down this morning and there was a glittering of white sparkle as the sun tipped the frosty ground. It reminded me of a white, tiny sequenced, ballroom gown, shimmering across the floor.

There was a carpet of God's love of multi coloured autumn leaves covering the path that I playfully kicked as I walked, reminiscent of childhood.

The quiet was broken by the call of the currawongs and a new day was dawning full of God's Glory.

In the rush of life it can sometimes be hard to find the calm of God's peace yet one step out the front door and the voice was almost a whisper...a whisper from God.....peace, still,quiet,calm,rest,reflect,refresh...

That one step aside with God is the best medicine for the soul one could ever wish for.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.


Monday, May 2, 2011

The reason for the season

' I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' John 10:10

I am soaking in the Easter season in multiple thoughts and reflections of its meaning, very life giving, and I think of others that perhaps we have brought life to as well, this Easter.

The display on the east wall at church was simple but thought provoking as it was created by JAFFA (our group for people with disabilities) and it told of how they felt about the risen Christ.


at Messy Church (a large group of community families that are unchurched) I was blown away by the response from a four year old about what she didn't like and what did she like. Many of the children responded to the question with.....'I don't like carrots, I don't like dogs......I like ice cream....but this little one of four said so seriously, so thoughtfully. 'I don't like it that Jesus died but I do like it that he is alive again. That makes me feel sooooooooooo good!

Inclusion, welcome, love and embrace. That's the reason for the season.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
