Friday, March 30, 2012

solid rock

' The stone the builders have rejected has become the corner stone.' Luke 20:17
Breathtaking misty blue mountains,the first of autumn fog in the valley, trees emerging like ghostly figures and a naked tree, dead, yet alive with bird life, a chorus of calls filling the still morning and heralding in the day as the golden orange horizon turned to pink then blue. And I said 'Here you are God, and here am I.' And my morning prayers were caught up like a fragrance in the dew of the new day.
The only true way we can make a difference for Christ is to be close to him, to have his name constantly in our hearts and on our lips so he is the cornerstone of our lives and our actions.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, March 23, 2012

the scroll of the book

' Then I said, 'Here I am ,in the scroll of the book it is written of me.'Ps 40:7
I stood in the small synagogue in the Nazareth village surrounded by time and history and God thoughts,and there before me was a table and on the table was a scroll, an ancient scroll. As I stared transfixed I had this incredible sense that I was standing on Holy Ground as I saw in reality things I had only previously read and heard of. The scroll was like a time capsule connecting the then and the now.
And I again make that promise to God to continue to do his will, with delight.
Sacred places, sacred spaces, sacred thoughts in the presence of God that warm the heart and affirm the faith. Where are the spaces you find God? Where is your faith affirmed and your heart warmed?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, March 19, 2012


'Blessed is the one who stays awake.' Rev 16:15
The day covered the mountains of grandeur in a veil of soft blue morning mist and there it hung its beauty and I was riveted to the spot, fixed in wonder at the start of a day already filled with heaven. There was peace and there was quiet and there was awe and and I knew it was God.
Lenten meditation for me is an exciting meeting with God. Its rebuilding our relationship. Its soaking in his love.
How are you spending your time with God this Lenten season?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, March 16, 2012

I love thy house Oh God, wherein thy honour dwells.'

'Tend the flock of God......' 1 Peter:5:2
I look at the elderly seated in anticipation of the commencement of the service, stooped, bent, frail, and I am so blessed. Here are the encourager's, here are the survivors of life, here are the keepers of the stories, here are the tried and tested, here are the faithful. No matter what life has served up, no matter the losses, they have kept the faith.
Treasure those in your care and seek the ones who are lonely and isolated. Let them know they are blessed and a blessing.
I read this quote: 'The treasures of earth are free and full of surprises.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Comfort from God

'Your rod and your staff they comfort me.' Psalm 23:4
Many of our days can be floored with little fractures of despair or worry. They can pull us down. they can distract us from enjoyment, they can take us away from our trust in God.
We often cant avoid the issues in our days but we dont have to go them alone. God is there with us, even in the fractured bits. (or perhaps even more so) Now that is a great comfort.
When we do fall into fractures in our day, know that Jesus is there, open arms, waiting to comfort us. That's a nice word, comfort. It gives me images of wrapped in a warm blanket and held tight.
'Between the cracks of daily life I find you slip into my life like night and day, like stars and sunshine. I know that you are God.' (Mecrina Wiederkehr)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Rain, and more rain

'The rain fell, the floods came.....' Matt 7:25
The absolute magnitude of God's creative work continues to amaze me. I don't think there is a dry piece of land in the country at the moment from the persistent falling rain over the past days yet God's creatures knew it was coming and prepared for it. Have you seen the ants nest, built up high with dirt, a protective wall for the nest against the flood around them?I often think when its dry and I see these tiny ants preparing for something I yet can't see or feel that it must be a bit like Noah building the ark in a dry and parched land with much bewilderment and amusement of those about him. What an amazing God we have and just as amazing our God given ability to see his handy work if we are looking. But, more so, how must God feel when he knows we see it!
Open our eyes Lord to the wonder of your world.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord