Monday, February 27, 2017

Best preacher that ever was.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.  (TIS 768)
It doesn't matter how many years of morning walks I have and it doesn't matter the mood I might be in  when I take them I still cant hold back the  daily greeting to the Lord.  While everything outside seems to remain the same yet every day it brings new joy and a deeper vision and understanding of creation, of life, of God. I can look down the valley to the mountains as if I have never seen that view before and it will greet me anew with its beauty. I can hear the ducks and frogs in the pond as if it were for  the first time and God's glory manifests itself in the changing colours of the sky as the sun rise takes center stage.
Mary Oliver says it like this: Hello, sun in my face. Hello, you who makes the morning and spreads it over the fields - best preacher that ever was.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

Hello, you who made the morning.

Friday, February 24, 2017

sink the roots deep

But those who drink of the living water I will give them will never be thirsty. John 4:14
I came across a lovely symbolic display in the front garden of a home I walk past and it immediately brought to mind a  biblical reflection of living water and various other texts relating to 'holding onto Jesus and living in him.' and it reminded me of some words I read by Sara Orne Jewett which said:
'A good healthy tree growing out of a bare rock, out of some crack that holds its roots and it keeps its green top in the worst heat, the driest summer - and you lay your ear to the ground and you hear a little stream running.' How true it is that if we have the living waters Jesus offers us flowing through us then as Julian or Norwich says: 'All will be well. All manner of things will be well.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of he Lord
only by the grace of a little stream below.

Monday, February 20, 2017

all together

Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together.
 How wonderful it would be if this were the case today - the lamb and the wolf together - living in harmony and peace. So much of the worlds dilemma is because people have no vision they can not envision living in harmony and peace with each other but how that could change if people are at peace deep within their bodies and their communion with God was rich. Its then we can see the worth and value in all and the beauty and grace of God and his creation. I caught a glimpse of what this  could look like when I was visiting the optometrist a few days ago. The two lovely young men on the welcome desk were obviously of the alternate life style, the optometrist who saw me was from the middle east and traditionally dressed, the lass who fitted my glasses was from India and the other lass who took my next booking was from Italy. As I was on my way to work via this appointment I was clerically dressed and the optometrist was so interested in what I did on a daily basis. I walked away from that place with a skip in my step as I said to God. 'Now that is how your world should be -  everyone living in harmony and how can I help it be so?
Grace to you and peace
Anne,servant of the Lord

Friday, February 17, 2017

we are the Lord's

This morning and often read this passage of scripture from Paul to the Thessalonians.

' Paul  thought he brought something of significance to people in his role in the rough and tumble of life.'  (Bishop Brain) I believe in our ministries and daily life as Christians we too bring something of great significance to others and for that you are thought of often.

Paul says: We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers,constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know brothers and sisters beloved by God that he has chosen you because our message of the gospel came to you not in word only,but also  in power and in the Holy Spirit......Thessalonians 1:2-4a

What wonderful words of encouragements. What wonderful words of support, what wonderful words of affirmation and how humbling they are. In all we do and in all we are, we are the Lords, and we are in the prayers of those who know and encourage us.
Grace to you and peace
Anne, servant of the Lord

Monday, February 13, 2017

little packets of gold

A sower sows the word. Mark 4:14
I see a farmer planting seed in the paddock and I think about that seed, that little packet of gold, so tiny yet it  has the potential to bring such value not only to the farmer but to  many others as well. It is  indeed a real treasure and  right now, right at this moment you have 'a little packet of gold' a real treasure, hidden within you and its  called the word of God and it can be so powerful once sown and planted into the lives of other so much so it can change their life. No, not change it, but save it.
I wonder what you are going to do today with the treasure you are holding, that precious word of God? Step out into the world and sow it.
With God's love and blessings of the Lord
Anne, servant
little packets of gold sown in faith and trust produced life sustaining results

Friday, February 10, 2017

little dolls of gold

'Lord I lift your name on high. Lord I want to sing your praises.'(Christian song)
I caught up with such glorious delights in the early morning walk, - A very busy purpose filled willy wagtail investigating every corner of an old wooden fence in pursuit of his breakfast and then a cluster of bright yellow rump finches which Mary Oliver would describe as 'little dolls of gold.' And camouflaged in the greenest of grass flourishing like no other around it ,n a water course, was a family of fluorescent green grass parrots and I looked (As Mary Oliver says:)  ' not just standing around looking but standing around as though with your arms open.'
I could not help but think about the glorious delights that are all around us and so often we do not see unless we stop and look and I mean truly  look.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

The blue wrens home

Monday, February 6, 2017

rescued with love

Jesus said: A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. John 13:34
There are so many ways we can go about our day and our daily work. Its how we do it, how we see people, how we see our life that makes the difference. One of the ministries I am involved in is' nursing people  back into life' Through life's difficulties, trauma and misfortune some people find themselves in a very deep, dark hole and they need someone to come along side and offer a hand to climb out of it -   not to just climb out but to know where to plant their feet once out, to be strong with what life holds for them. Just adding that extra layer called 'love' can make a world of difference.
I read this quote from Joan Chittister: If I cook dinner, that's ordinary. If I put a flower on the table when I serve it, that's divine.
May we serve Christ and all who cross our path with that added dimension of love,
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, February 3, 2017

For I am his and he is mine

For I am his, and he is mine. Here in the power of God I stand. (Christian Song)
I can stand on the top of the hill and look across the valley to the mountains at sunset and be in absolute awe of the beauty and oneness of God's creation and something in me, this little dot on top of the hill, says you belong and I feel it, I feel I belong and am part of all before and around me. In all of this creation there is you and you belong and you are important and without you, what you see before you is incomplete.I read this lovely poem by Michael Quoist:
A symphony needs each note, a book needs each word. A house needs each brick, the ocean needs each drop of water, the harvest needs each grain of wheat.
The whole of humanity needs you, as and where you are - you are unique - no one can take your place.
Just pause a moment and read that again and be blessed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord.