Friday, April 28, 2017

your making stuff, O Father

What has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. Phil. 1:12
How lovely it is to be able to look back on life and say that God has refined us in such a way that we have advanced the gospel, his work here on earth. Though nowhere fully refined yet its is a work in progress. I remember in Turkey looking at a very large pottery pot with a crack in its side and  flowers in it, old dying flowers and new growth at its base. I  was profoundly touched by the thought of  the one who molds our lives. I like this prayer (anon) Here, O my father, is your making stuff. Set your wheel going, let it whir and play the chips in me, the stones in me, the straw, the sand. Cast them out with fine separating hand and make a vessel of your yielding clay.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Monday, April 24, 2017

Yet we believe.

Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe. John 20::29
What is it that causes us to believe in the risen Christ though we have not seen him? Some of the disciples saw the risen Christ and went to tell Thomas but he didn't believe because he hadn't seen him for himself. It can only be described as a mystery this faith we hold.   Paul says.' Its no longer I who live but Christ lives in me.' (Galatians 2:20) That's the key. Christ lives in me.  Lucardo says:  'The mystery in a nut shell is just this: Christ is in you.' Its like he moves into us and then we become like him and little by little a new us begins to emerge. By the grace of God he claimed us as his.  To be able to see through the eyes of Christ, the need to care for the poor, the lonely and the unwanted, to see them like us. To be able to see through the eyes of Christ where the world needs 'the Christian standards.' To be able to see through the eyes of Christ the beauty his Father created in the making of the world and all it holds.To be able to see through the eyes of Christ that what it is all about is love, unconditional love then we know that Jesus has 'moved in' and we are no longer the same.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Ephesus where Paul preached the risen Christ.

Friday, April 21, 2017

He is risen. Alleluia

He is not here: for he has been raised. Matthew 28:6 (and also above the empty tomb in the garden in Jerusalem)
God has done what he promised. He said I will never leave you, I will rise again, and he said that this promise was for you and your children.
So much of the Easter story recorded in Matthew jumps out at me. Lines like, 'he is going ahead of you' and this one, 'suddenly Jesus met them and said greetings!'
So many times in life and ministry I realise, often  in hind sight that Jesus has gone before me. He has either smoothed the waters or prepared the path way and I only have to see a stunning view, a beautiful flower, a breath taking sun rise, or sun set, a needy person or an elderly face and I hear the words of Jesus, 'greetings!' Ask yourself today, 'have you seen the risen Lord? and when did he last go before you? In a very troubled world may we see the risen Christ more and more.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

written on the wall inside the tomb

Monday, April 10, 2017

heavenly things

...........can you believe if I tell you about heavenly things. John 3:12b
When I glimpsed the autumn trees in passing I found myself going back to look again. Something touched my soul. Something put me momentarily on sacred ground. Though rather ordinary trees the passing of autumn tones is what touched me.Masses of green leaves.Masses of changing leaves and then those in full colour.
 It spoke to me of our journey of faith.It spoke to me of the journey of our lives.It spoke to me of God's glory and it took my breath away. It gave me a glimpse of God, a window to God, a flash in a moment, in a day. We can behold the Glory of the Lord in so many ways if we take that second look. Larson says: May countless blessings chase and overtake you and may you notice when they do.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord

Friday, April 7, 2017

Taking risks for Christ.

Has not the Lord gone ahead of you? and does he not say 'I am sending you? (Judges 4:14-6:14)
How much of what we do for the Lord is often seen by others as 'outside the box.' Sometimes openly questioned even by those 'inside the box' so to say.Much of the work we do  is with the isolated and lonely in our communities and I truly believe that all those we serve are God sent. Several of the people I care for in the community have issues with hoarding in their homes and no one in the community seems to want to help them. I believe strongly that when our church program was  asked to help these people that they were God sent to us for this purpose. Do you believe that with much of what you do ?Charles E Cowman says this: God has guided the heroes and saints of all ages to do things which the common sense of the community has regarded as ridiculous and mad. Have you ever taken any risks for Christ?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
National Deacons Conference in Perth  2014. ALL risk takers for Christ!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Creator of all.

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Psalm 8:1
I will never forget the look of the sky in the outback. Stars in magnitude and beauty like I had never experienced. Far removed from any 'street lights' or other dimming influences, the stars were all on display in their masses, their clusters and their patterns. What a magnificent sight. It left me just gazing in silence at the wonder of our amazing God, the creator of such beauty and magnitude.
Do you recall when you last saw the stars and experienced that moment of awe and amazement that led you to see beyond the stars to their creator. So much in life has these moments of wonder if we can just see deep into them to their maker.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
The wonder of a sunrise