Friday, April 21, 2017

He is risen. Alleluia

He is not here: for he has been raised. Matthew 28:6 (and also above the empty tomb in the garden in Jerusalem)
God has done what he promised. He said I will never leave you, I will rise again, and he said that this promise was for you and your children.
So much of the Easter story recorded in Matthew jumps out at me. Lines like, 'he is going ahead of you' and this one, 'suddenly Jesus met them and said greetings!'
So many times in life and ministry I realise, often  in hind sight that Jesus has gone before me. He has either smoothed the waters or prepared the path way and I only have to see a stunning view, a beautiful flower, a breath taking sun rise, or sun set, a needy person or an elderly face and I hear the words of Jesus, 'greetings!' Ask yourself today, 'have you seen the risen Lord? and when did he last go before you? In a very troubled world may we see the risen Christ more and more.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.

written on the wall inside the tomb