Monday, April 10, 2017

heavenly things

...........can you believe if I tell you about heavenly things. John 3:12b
When I glimpsed the autumn trees in passing I found myself going back to look again. Something touched my soul. Something put me momentarily on sacred ground. Though rather ordinary trees the passing of autumn tones is what touched me.Masses of green leaves.Masses of changing leaves and then those in full colour.
 It spoke to me of our journey of faith.It spoke to me of the journey of our lives.It spoke to me of God's glory and it took my breath away. It gave me a glimpse of God, a window to God, a flash in a moment, in a day. We can behold the Glory of the Lord in so many ways if we take that second look. Larson says: May countless blessings chase and overtake you and may you notice when they do.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord