Friday, April 28, 2017

your making stuff, O Father

What has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. Phil. 1:12
How lovely it is to be able to look back on life and say that God has refined us in such a way that we have advanced the gospel, his work here on earth. Though nowhere fully refined yet its is a work in progress. I remember in Turkey looking at a very large pottery pot with a crack in its side and  flowers in it, old dying flowers and new growth at its base. I  was profoundly touched by the thought of  the one who molds our lives. I like this prayer (anon) Here, O my father, is your making stuff. Set your wheel going, let it whir and play the chips in me, the stones in me, the straw, the sand. Cast them out with fine separating hand and make a vessel of your yielding clay.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord