Monday, April 24, 2017

Yet we believe.

Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe. John 20::29
What is it that causes us to believe in the risen Christ though we have not seen him? Some of the disciples saw the risen Christ and went to tell Thomas but he didn't believe because he hadn't seen him for himself. It can only be described as a mystery this faith we hold.   Paul says.' Its no longer I who live but Christ lives in me.' (Galatians 2:20) That's the key. Christ lives in me.  Lucardo says:  'The mystery in a nut shell is just this: Christ is in you.' Its like he moves into us and then we become like him and little by little a new us begins to emerge. By the grace of God he claimed us as his.  To be able to see through the eyes of Christ, the need to care for the poor, the lonely and the unwanted, to see them like us. To be able to see through the eyes of Christ where the world needs 'the Christian standards.' To be able to see through the eyes of Christ the beauty his Father created in the making of the world and all it holds.To be able to see through the eyes of Christ that what it is all about is love, unconditional love then we know that Jesus has 'moved in' and we are no longer the same.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Ephesus where Paul preached the risen Christ.