Monday, March 5, 2012

Comfort from God

'Your rod and your staff they comfort me.' Psalm 23:4
Many of our days can be floored with little fractures of despair or worry. They can pull us down. they can distract us from enjoyment, they can take us away from our trust in God.
We often cant avoid the issues in our days but we dont have to go them alone. God is there with us, even in the fractured bits. (or perhaps even more so) Now that is a great comfort.
When we do fall into fractures in our day, know that Jesus is there, open arms, waiting to comfort us. That's a nice word, comfort. It gives me images of wrapped in a warm blanket and held tight.
'Between the cracks of daily life I find you slip into my life like night and day, like stars and sunshine. I know that you are God.' (Mecrina Wiederkehr)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.