Friday, November 5, 2021

I just have to be present

 O breath of life come sweeping through us.... O breath of love, come breathe within us TIS 409

What is it that sustains you? There are some things in life that draw me closer to my inner self, that feed my soul, that  beckon me  to be present. Its like a breath-taking sunset that compels you to stop in your tracks in awe, in wonder and delight. The sight hits you deep within and communes with your soul. Likewise the beautiful little honeyeater getting its joy from deep within a flower as it feeds on the nectar that fills it with delight. If you are close enough to it you will see the rapture in its eyes. And I am  draw by the perfume in the evening air  coming from the vine of sweet-peas and I just have to be present.  What is it that sustains you?  I am reminded of the Latin phrase 'The Vestigia Dei - the fingerprint or footprint of God.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

Fill thou my life O Lord I pray