Friday, October 15, 2021

The banquet house

 He brought me to the banqueting house and his intention towards me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4

Simple joys can be found every day  if we are open to them. We can look with our eyes and not see or we can look with our soul and see so much. For a week or more now I have been watching the roses budding. The swelling of the bud with a hint of colour showing through its tip is a daily watch of expectation. Expectation of what is hidden, of what is to come and the wonder of all through  its phases of its life until it reaches its full potential -  perfect formation in its layers of petals, or layers of skirts as Mary Oliver would say, and the perfume well, as we say, is heavenly and yes, there are thorns but they also have a message. I think I will call the garden the 6th gospel, full of messages and stories that link us to God. (The 5th gospel is claimed in biblical Israel when you follow in the footsteps  of Jesus)

Enjoy all you see with the eyes of your soul. Pause in wonder and see through it to God.

Jehovah - shalom. The Lord is peace.

Anne, servant of the Lord.

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