Monday, December 6, 2021

A smell that is heavenly

 O what a gift, what a wonderful gift - who can tell the wonders of the Lord? Let us open our eyes, our ears and our hearts; it is Christ the Lord it is he! TIS 278

It was the sweet smell, a smell that is heavenly coming from the deep crimson Buddleia bush  which drew me into my contemplation today in my sacred spot and it reminded me of the words of an elderly lady who visited the chapel in the nursing home when her husband was dying , and left me a note, written in a shaky hand, on a small torn off piece of paper  which said. 'Rev'd Anne, can you smell God? When I came to the chapel today it was filled with this beautiful perfume yet there were no flowers in the chapel. So lovely was it that I just wanted to sit awhile and be. Was this God?  she asked.

Be enriched by the  things that come to us when we see in the light. (of God)

May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.

Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                    Made by God.