Monday, September 20, 2021

Love God

 The Great love of God O how lavishly given. TIS 164

I often wake up with this lovely hymn on my mind and am still humming it as I get breakfast. The love of God who gave us his Son Jesus and this beautiful world we live in and the joy of that is something I want to shout to the world. I want to say come, taste and see that the Lord is good.  I had been sharing an agape meal on zoom with a small gathering and this beautiful prayer was said: Beloved friend, stay in love with God. As God's light shines in your lives, shine that light into your world. Our meal here is ended, but God's banquet continues. Take the banquet into the world, and never give up until all people are fed. Ah yes, stay in love with God and - Go in peace to love and serve the Lord

Anne, servant of the Lord 
