Monday, December 22, 2014
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness. Psalm 115:1
I was looking at the presents under the giving tree at the shopping mall. Big presents, small presents all colourfully wrapped. Some with ribbons, some bows, all labelled for some special person. There was a sense of expectation that might go with the giving and the receiving as they are passed onto those in need. Hands reaching out to give and bless with a gift this Christmas season. Among all the gifts of Christmas lies one that you do not have to buy, or wrap in coloured paper, or tie a ribbon and bow on. Its called the gift of love and it came that first Christmas morning in the form of a tiny baby who was called Jesus. A lasting gift that can be given over and over again all year round . A gift that can save lives, bring comfort to the lonely and distressed, a gift of companionship and hope. In the trauma of Martin Place we are seeing that gift of love being expressed in a floral memorial, the presence of people who care, the presence of the special chaplains and those of our brothers and sisters of other faiths. There is a sense of oneness, of unity, of healing, of love. A sense that Jesus has come down, Emmanuel is with us. Let not the drama of the world take from us the wonderful gift we have been given, the gift of love. The gift we call Christmas.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, December 19, 2014
even one will make a difference
' I am the voice of one calling out in the desert.' John 1:23
When I was chaplain at the local school for children with profound disabilities I remember one day assisting in a class room to help the children get ready to go outside into the playground. I was tasked to assist a wheel chair bound boy who was about 12 years old and who rarely spoke. I put his twisted, distorted little feet into his socks as carefully as I could and then his slippers. As I fastened the velcro straps I felt a small hand on my head, stroking my hair with a small distorted hand and as clear as a bell came from this boys mouth, 'Are you Jesus?' I was speechless and sank even lower to the floor as a wave of humility swept over me. I eventually looked the boy in the face and managed to say, 'no, I am not Jesus but I am his friend.' St John was a voice for Christ (John 1:23) His life matched his words. When a persons words and ways are the same, the fusion is explosive. People will know who we represent, not because we bear the name, but because we live the life.
If I cant feed all the hungry, feed one. If I cant change the world, change a life. Let someone see the difference you can make. If you cant feed all the hungry, feed one.(unknown)
Walk humbly as you serve God.
Anne, servant of the Lord
When I was chaplain at the local school for children with profound disabilities I remember one day assisting in a class room to help the children get ready to go outside into the playground. I was tasked to assist a wheel chair bound boy who was about 12 years old and who rarely spoke. I put his twisted, distorted little feet into his socks as carefully as I could and then his slippers. As I fastened the velcro straps I felt a small hand on my head, stroking my hair with a small distorted hand and as clear as a bell came from this boys mouth, 'Are you Jesus?' I was speechless and sank even lower to the floor as a wave of humility swept over me. I eventually looked the boy in the face and managed to say, 'no, I am not Jesus but I am his friend.' St John was a voice for Christ (John 1:23) His life matched his words. When a persons words and ways are the same, the fusion is explosive. People will know who we represent, not because we bear the name, but because we live the life.
If I cant feed all the hungry, feed one. If I cant change the world, change a life. Let someone see the difference you can make. If you cant feed all the hungry, feed one.(unknown)
Walk humbly as you serve God.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, December 15, 2014
Making straight the path.
Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:19
At evening I often think of the people I have uncounted during the day and sum them up in my prayers especially those who have experienced Christ through our meeting, who catch a glimpse of Christ through our relationship, a passing word, a brief touch and I thank God that we can bring some light into a dark world by who we are and what we are doing. For some, as the saying goes, we may be the only gospel they ever hear, the only encounter with Christ they ever have and you know, it might be just enough to change the world. Robert Louis Stevenson, as a small boy, was staring out the bedroom window one night when his nanny called him to bed. Reluctant to come, his nanny asked what the attraction was in the dark of night. He said, pointing to the lamplighter who was lighting the street lamps. 'Look nanny, the man is putting holes in the darkness.'
(Lotz: Just give me Jesus says) You and I may not be able to change the world, but surely each of us can put a hole in the darkness! Turn on the light! Share what Jesus means to you and give God's word to someone else.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
At evening I often think of the people I have uncounted during the day and sum them up in my prayers especially those who have experienced Christ through our meeting, who catch a glimpse of Christ through our relationship, a passing word, a brief touch and I thank God that we can bring some light into a dark world by who we are and what we are doing. For some, as the saying goes, we may be the only gospel they ever hear, the only encounter with Christ they ever have and you know, it might be just enough to change the world. Robert Louis Stevenson, as a small boy, was staring out the bedroom window one night when his nanny called him to bed. Reluctant to come, his nanny asked what the attraction was in the dark of night. He said, pointing to the lamplighter who was lighting the street lamps. 'Look nanny, the man is putting holes in the darkness.'
(Lotz: Just give me Jesus says) You and I may not be able to change the world, but surely each of us can put a hole in the darkness! Turn on the light! Share what Jesus means to you and give God's word to someone else.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friday, December 12, 2014
But about the day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven,nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert. Mark 13: 32
In several places in my rural suburb are empty blocks of land, that seem uncared for ,fenced off and overgrown with wild oats and other native grasses.Wasted spaces I thought, or is there a purpose for them. Well, I discovered that in those spaces lies a hidden treasure, an endangered, protected species of moth. I couldn't help but relate this experience to that of the story of the unkept man in tattered clothing. He looked like a homeless person who came to the door of a house seeking some food for he was hungry. 'Go away.' was the response to his knocking, 'we are expecting a very important visitor and we don't want you to be seen on our doorstep when he comes.' Several times the man knocked and every time received the same reply. Eventually he went away and the people in the house waited in vein for the special important visitor to arrive but he never came. Ah, but he did and they didn't recognise him. He came in the image of a poor, hungry, homeless man and they were not expect anything other than a person in fine clothing and of great importance. I looked again at the grassy uncared for and unkept block of land and reflected on the treasure that lay within. About the day or hour no one knows. Beware,we are warned, keep awake.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
In several places in my rural suburb are empty blocks of land, that seem uncared for ,fenced off and overgrown with wild oats and other native grasses.Wasted spaces I thought, or is there a purpose for them. Well, I discovered that in those spaces lies a hidden treasure, an endangered, protected species of moth. I couldn't help but relate this experience to that of the story of the unkept man in tattered clothing. He looked like a homeless person who came to the door of a house seeking some food for he was hungry. 'Go away.' was the response to his knocking, 'we are expecting a very important visitor and we don't want you to be seen on our doorstep when he comes.' Several times the man knocked and every time received the same reply. Eventually he went away and the people in the house waited in vein for the special important visitor to arrive but he never came. Ah, but he did and they didn't recognise him. He came in the image of a poor, hungry, homeless man and they were not expect anything other than a person in fine clothing and of great importance. I looked again at the grassy uncared for and unkept block of land and reflected on the treasure that lay within. About the day or hour no one knows. Beware,we are warned, keep awake.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Its a glorious feeling
Its a glorious feeling to be able to unload my heart, to spill out my gratitude in thanks to you O God. Morning noon and night I want the whole world to know of your love. Psalm 92:1-2 (Psalms Now)
One of my favourite books of the bible is the book of psalms. There is something written in those pages that is for all occasions and in the words of the psalmist, of pain,anger, frustration, joy and praise, we are given the right to express ourselves likewise.The translation I like to dip into is called 'Psalms Now' It has a freshness and a clarity and psalm 92 ends this way.
'Help us, those of us who love you, O God, to prove to our disjointed world, that you are in our midst.' Marcina Wiederkehr would say: May your work this day be your love made visible;may you breathe upon the wounds of those with whom you work;may your voice this day be a voice of encouragement;may your life be an answer to someones prayer;may the lamp of your life shine upon all you meet this day.
May the Spirit touch your spirit in this morning pause and your day be blessed.
Anne, servant of the Lord
One of my favourite books of the bible is the book of psalms. There is something written in those pages that is for all occasions and in the words of the psalmist, of pain,anger, frustration, joy and praise, we are given the right to express ourselves likewise.The translation I like to dip into is called 'Psalms Now' It has a freshness and a clarity and psalm 92 ends this way.
'Help us, those of us who love you, O God, to prove to our disjointed world, that you are in our midst.' Marcina Wiederkehr would say: May your work this day be your love made visible;may you breathe upon the wounds of those with whom you work;may your voice this day be a voice of encouragement;may your life be an answer to someones prayer;may the lamp of your life shine upon all you meet this day.
May the Spirit touch your spirit in this morning pause and your day be blessed.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, December 5, 2014
small boy and the rose bud.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. Ps 128:1
Advent draws us to reflect on many things: our relationship with the Lord, how we express that in life, how we live with that forefront knowledge that 'Jesus will come again.' Diligently, faithfully and with renewed hearts we are called to 'stay awake.' It is only when God dwells deep within us that we can fulfill this command, this urgent request to 'stay awake.' Prayer, meditation, reflection and God's forgiveness are what fill us with the knowledge and love of the Lord that enables us to fill our potential for him, to blossom in our faith. There is a story about a small boy who was sitting on the lawn in the garden holding two bright yellow roses. One was only a bud and one was in full flower. He was thoughtfully pulling the petals from the bud and as he did so they fell to the ground until only the stem was left. 'What are you doing?' his mother asked. ' I am trying to open it up,' he said, 'so it looks like the other rose.' His mother replied. 'You cant open a rose bud from the outside. God has to open it from the inside .' And so it is with us. In order to love and serve the Lord, God needs to open us up from the inside.
Continue to prepare the way for the Lord and may the Spirit of Christ fill your hearts and your minds and the peace of God be with you.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Advent draws us to reflect on many things: our relationship with the Lord, how we express that in life, how we live with that forefront knowledge that 'Jesus will come again.' Diligently, faithfully and with renewed hearts we are called to 'stay awake.' It is only when God dwells deep within us that we can fulfill this command, this urgent request to 'stay awake.' Prayer, meditation, reflection and God's forgiveness are what fill us with the knowledge and love of the Lord that enables us to fill our potential for him, to blossom in our faith. There is a story about a small boy who was sitting on the lawn in the garden holding two bright yellow roses. One was only a bud and one was in full flower. He was thoughtfully pulling the petals from the bud and as he did so they fell to the ground until only the stem was left. 'What are you doing?' his mother asked. ' I am trying to open it up,' he said, 'so it looks like the other rose.' His mother replied. 'You cant open a rose bud from the outside. God has to open it from the inside .' And so it is with us. In order to love and serve the Lord, God needs to open us up from the inside.
Continue to prepare the way for the Lord and may the Spirit of Christ fill your hearts and your minds and the peace of God be with you.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, December 1, 2014
flickering candles
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob;that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his path. Isaiah 2:3
I watched the Advent candle on the altar flicker in the breeze from the open window. It seemed fragile and vulnerable but yet it refused to be snuffed out and it brought to mind something I had read. 'A boy threw a stone at a stained glass window of the incarnation. It nicked out the 'E' in the word highest, in the text 'Glory to God in the Highest.' Now it read: ' Glory to God in the High St.'
As we enter the season of Advent we are instructed to keep awake. To be ever watchful for the coming of the Lord and I think of our daily lives out there in the world(in the High St) doing the ministry of Jesus Christ. I think of the people who have crossed my path and yours and now, this Advent will be more aware of the concept of 'keeping awake' You know them, you have befriended them, those who were isolated, lonely, needy and poor and to them you brought the love of God that emanates peace. Stay awake so you can be prepared for Christ's return as you live a life of serving Christ in our broken world. Go to the mountain of the Lord, frequently.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
I watched the Advent candle on the altar flicker in the breeze from the open window. It seemed fragile and vulnerable but yet it refused to be snuffed out and it brought to mind something I had read. 'A boy threw a stone at a stained glass window of the incarnation. It nicked out the 'E' in the word highest, in the text 'Glory to God in the Highest.' Now it read: ' Glory to God in the High St.'
As we enter the season of Advent we are instructed to keep awake. To be ever watchful for the coming of the Lord and I think of our daily lives out there in the world(in the High St) doing the ministry of Jesus Christ. I think of the people who have crossed my path and yours and now, this Advent will be more aware of the concept of 'keeping awake' You know them, you have befriended them, those who were isolated, lonely, needy and poor and to them you brought the love of God that emanates peace. Stay awake so you can be prepared for Christ's return as you live a life of serving Christ in our broken world. Go to the mountain of the Lord, frequently.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friday, November 28, 2014
travelling companion
Good and upright is the Lord, therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his ways. Psalm 25:8-9
So much from within the heart comes a cry, 'for as much as you did for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it for me.' This text straight from Jesus would be a wonderful theme for Advent. Sometimes I think but how many more of my brothers and sisters can I do this for Lord for sometimes the load gets very heavy and weighs me down but its said; don't pray that your load is lightened but pray for the strength to bear it. That statement changed my entire perspective on carrying burdens and I found I could add one or two more brothers and sisters to my load, in fact I asked the Lord to give me as many as he thought I could carry.Its then I found they became my travelling companions. They were always with me on the journey through prayer time, on my lips as I fell asleep and as I went out each day to love and serve the Lord. We know that God is our ultimate travel companion, always with us. When the load of carrying our brothers and sisters is heavy, he is the one who holds us up.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
So much from within the heart comes a cry, 'for as much as you did for the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it for me.' This text straight from Jesus would be a wonderful theme for Advent. Sometimes I think but how many more of my brothers and sisters can I do this for Lord for sometimes the load gets very heavy and weighs me down but its said; don't pray that your load is lightened but pray for the strength to bear it. That statement changed my entire perspective on carrying burdens and I found I could add one or two more brothers and sisters to my load, in fact I asked the Lord to give me as many as he thought I could carry.Its then I found they became my travelling companions. They were always with me on the journey through prayer time, on my lips as I fell asleep and as I went out each day to love and serve the Lord. We know that God is our ultimate travel companion, always with us. When the load of carrying our brothers and sisters is heavy, he is the one who holds us up.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, November 24, 2014
rubbing shoulders
Lord, when was it that I saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not take care of you? Matthew 25:44
In life we often rub shoulders with people society sees as the 'lesser' or who Jesus called the 'little ones.' I am sure as you read this faces will come as images in your mind and memories in your heart. Our daily life is about bringing the light of Christ into the dark corners of this world. I don't know about you but it puts me on my knees and I am sure the roar in the background is the applause from heaven as God sees one of his own move into the circle of love and care and bring life and light to another.(Lucado) None are more shunned by their culture than the blind, the lame, the lepers and the deaf. They had no place. No name. no value. Canker sores on the culture. Excess baggage on the side of the road, but those who people call trash, Jesus calls treasure.
They are the treasure of our daily ministry. Rub shoulders with them, rub shoulders with Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
In life we often rub shoulders with people society sees as the 'lesser' or who Jesus called the 'little ones.' I am sure as you read this faces will come as images in your mind and memories in your heart. Our daily life is about bringing the light of Christ into the dark corners of this world. I don't know about you but it puts me on my knees and I am sure the roar in the background is the applause from heaven as God sees one of his own move into the circle of love and care and bring life and light to another.(Lucado) None are more shunned by their culture than the blind, the lame, the lepers and the deaf. They had no place. No name. no value. Canker sores on the culture. Excess baggage on the side of the road, but those who people call trash, Jesus calls treasure.
They are the treasure of our daily ministry. Rub shoulders with them, rub shoulders with Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, November 17, 2014
I come.
Just as I am without one plea, O lamb of God, I come (Charlotte Elliott)
This is one of a few hymns that brings you to the feet of God. There is a 'tug' a sense of being pulled towards God in these words and you can do nothing but respond and what a sense of home coming it brings. No doubt we all have that place where we have this great tug to go, to meet and fall into the arms of God. Its a tug that's so compelling it can't be ignored. I reflect on this when I get up to go walking early morning. I feel that tug from God to go and the words of this hymn hum in my heart. 'Just as I am though tosses about, fighting and fears within without, O lamb of God I come.' We forget sometimes that all we have to do with our cares, concerns and anxieties is to give them to God. He takes them from us, tosses them over his shoulder and replaces them with his peace. When you feel that tug from God, this desire to run into his open arms, respond to it, run into his presence to be comforted, filled, blessed,and equipped for life's journey.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
This is one of a few hymns that brings you to the feet of God. There is a 'tug' a sense of being pulled towards God in these words and you can do nothing but respond and what a sense of home coming it brings. No doubt we all have that place where we have this great tug to go, to meet and fall into the arms of God. Its a tug that's so compelling it can't be ignored. I reflect on this when I get up to go walking early morning. I feel that tug from God to go and the words of this hymn hum in my heart. 'Just as I am though tosses about, fighting and fears within without, O lamb of God I come.' We forget sometimes that all we have to do with our cares, concerns and anxieties is to give them to God. He takes them from us, tosses them over his shoulder and replaces them with his peace. When you feel that tug from God, this desire to run into his open arms, respond to it, run into his presence to be comforted, filled, blessed,and equipped for life's journey.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, November 14, 2014
Praise for the singing
Morning has broken like the first morning; blackbird has spoken like the first bird. (TIS 156)
The beautiful song of the blackbird singing in the morning silence drew me immediately to the words of Eleanor Farjeon's hymn 'Morning has Broken.' And the rest of my morning walk was in step to that tune and the sung words went straight to heaven!
Thank you God for the gentle nudges of your presence.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, November 10, 2014
roses among the thorns
Sing to God with thanksgiving in your heart. Col 3:16
I love the spring with all its expression of new life and it seems to give us a sense of life also, like waking up out of a sleep. Being a gardener I like to head for the garden and make an impression on areas that have been neglected, pruning, weeding, turning old soil over, propping plants with trellises and planting new seeds. I have a bed of roses and pruning sometimes can be a challenge. Somehow I always seem to come out of the exercise looking like I have been pruning roses! However, its well worth it with the reward of beautiful colour and perfumed blooms. Gardening is a bit like our life really, out there in the world among all the challenges, planting, pruning and nurturing.
It is said: Some complain that God put thorns on roses; others give thanks that God put roses among the thorns. (Unknown)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
I love the spring with all its expression of new life and it seems to give us a sense of life also, like waking up out of a sleep. Being a gardener I like to head for the garden and make an impression on areas that have been neglected, pruning, weeding, turning old soil over, propping plants with trellises and planting new seeds. I have a bed of roses and pruning sometimes can be a challenge. Somehow I always seem to come out of the exercise looking like I have been pruning roses! However, its well worth it with the reward of beautiful colour and perfumed blooms. Gardening is a bit like our life really, out there in the world among all the challenges, planting, pruning and nurturing.
It is said: Some complain that God put thorns on roses; others give thanks that God put roses among the thorns. (Unknown)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
one of several St Saviours Cathedral roses in my garden.
Friday, November 7, 2014
A great witness.
.....looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:2
I was taking a service in the local aged care facility among a small group of faithful elderly people and one resident in particular seems to stand out. She would be well in her eighties, a quiet gentle lady who just smiles and emanates a peace. She has an aura about her. This day she actually spoke and said. 'I walked with Jesus. I walked by his side. He was so, so lovely, a beautiful man.' she paused a moment and went on to say.' Do you think that could be real or did I dream it?' and she looked at me with intense blue eyes and a face that shone, a face that emanated Christ's presence.' 'It was a long time ago,' she said, 'but I remember it and feel it inside me like it was just now. Every time I think of it I feel I am filled up again and again with Jesus.' What great witnesses our older people are. A life time of trials, tribulations and joys and still so strong in the Lord. What a great encouragement to us all who are still 'running the race.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I was taking a service in the local aged care facility among a small group of faithful elderly people and one resident in particular seems to stand out. She would be well in her eighties, a quiet gentle lady who just smiles and emanates a peace. She has an aura about her. This day she actually spoke and said. 'I walked with Jesus. I walked by his side. He was so, so lovely, a beautiful man.' she paused a moment and went on to say.' Do you think that could be real or did I dream it?' and she looked at me with intense blue eyes and a face that shone, a face that emanated Christ's presence.' 'It was a long time ago,' she said, 'but I remember it and feel it inside me like it was just now. Every time I think of it I feel I am filled up again and again with Jesus.' What great witnesses our older people are. A life time of trials, tribulations and joys and still so strong in the Lord. What a great encouragement to us all who are still 'running the race.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, November 3, 2014
The secret of the Lord is theirs
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see our God: the secret of the Lord is theirs, their soul is Christ's abode. (TIS 448)
I recall the memorial service I held in the nursing home each year on All Souls and All Saints Day. It was so moving as we remembered all those who had passed away from among us in the last twelve months. Reading the names out one by one of 30 or more people,Remembering the faces, remembering them, all these special people that have shared a portion of their life with me and it throws such a special meaning to the words from the book of Hebrews. 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.....' (Hebrews 12:1) As I prepared for the service, filling the vases with roses, I noticed on one stem that there was a cluster of full blooms and among them was one that had died. The imagery was powerful and humbling and yes we are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses in our Christian walk.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I recall the memorial service I held in the nursing home each year on All Souls and All Saints Day. It was so moving as we remembered all those who had passed away from among us in the last twelve months. Reading the names out one by one of 30 or more people,Remembering the faces, remembering them, all these special people that have shared a portion of their life with me and it throws such a special meaning to the words from the book of Hebrews. 'Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.....' (Hebrews 12:1) As I prepared for the service, filling the vases with roses, I noticed on one stem that there was a cluster of full blooms and among them was one that had died. The imagery was powerful and humbling and yes we are indeed surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses in our Christian walk.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, October 31, 2014
moving mountains
If you have faith as big as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain, move from here to there, and it will move. Matthew 17:20
If every person in every place made it their goal to give their best , to help the needy and support the stranger what a different world we would live in. Even though our efforts might seem small at times, or overwhelming,we can live knowing we are doing our best where we are. Its like this familiar story. A man was on his way to buy a horse and as he was walking along he came across a little sparrow that was lying on its back, frantically kicking its legs in the air. 'Excuse me,' asked the man, 'But what are you doing?' The sparrow replied. 'I heard this morning that the sky was going to fall in.' The man said. 'And what do you think kicking in the air will do?' The sparrow replied. 'I am trying to stop it.'
Doing our best in daily life should be our aim and its amazing what a difference that can make. Our efforts don't have to move mountains. Just raising the spirits of those we come in contact with will change their day and possibly
their life.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
If every person in every place made it their goal to give their best , to help the needy and support the stranger what a different world we would live in. Even though our efforts might seem small at times, or overwhelming,we can live knowing we are doing our best where we are. Its like this familiar story. A man was on his way to buy a horse and as he was walking along he came across a little sparrow that was lying on its back, frantically kicking its legs in the air. 'Excuse me,' asked the man, 'But what are you doing?' The sparrow replied. 'I heard this morning that the sky was going to fall in.' The man said. 'And what do you think kicking in the air will do?' The sparrow replied. 'I am trying to stop it.'
Doing our best in daily life should be our aim and its amazing what a difference that can make. Our efforts don't have to move mountains. Just raising the spirits of those we come in contact with will change their day and possibly
their life.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Brilliant creator
O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your possessions. Psalm 104:24
Take a look at everything that is within your field of vision and reflect. God made it all.
I am so blessed by several 'welcome swallows' that are on a great mission to build their mud nest right in the corner above my front door. Its seems like a family effort as there are more than two birds putting in a huge effort of carrying mud balls in their tiny beaks from the pond across the road and placing it on the wall. I can see the shape of the nest forming and O what a blessing all this activity is and of all the birds to be nesting at my front door, its the 'welcome swallow.'
I continue to stand in awe at the great works of our mighty God.Brilliant creator, master craftsman to the smallest detail and one who knows how to provide that blessing that he knows will 'makes my day.' Its a wonderful thing when we can, without even thinking about it, capture the wonder of God and his greatness, in the moment.
To see the beauty of the Lord.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Take a look at everything that is within your field of vision and reflect. God made it all.
I am so blessed by several 'welcome swallows' that are on a great mission to build their mud nest right in the corner above my front door. Its seems like a family effort as there are more than two birds putting in a huge effort of carrying mud balls in their tiny beaks from the pond across the road and placing it on the wall. I can see the shape of the nest forming and O what a blessing all this activity is and of all the birds to be nesting at my front door, its the 'welcome swallow.'
I continue to stand in awe at the great works of our mighty God.Brilliant creator, master craftsman to the smallest detail and one who knows how to provide that blessing that he knows will 'makes my day.' Its a wonderful thing when we can, without even thinking about it, capture the wonder of God and his greatness, in the moment.
To see the beauty of the Lord.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, October 20, 2014
look on the heart
The Lord does not see as mortals see;they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16-7
What a privilege it is to be with the people on the margins of society. Those often described as different or of no value or worth. Its working with vulnerable people that I find the greatest privilege in my life. The isolated elderly give me the gift of their life story, endurance and experience, those who have a disability give me the gift of their humor, their love, their ability to face all sorts of challenges in life . I feel so close to God when I spend time with them. I guess its because they are the people that Jesus mixed with and asked us to care for. Somehow when I am with them I can see, as he would have, beyond their outward appearances. I can see beyond that to the 'real' people that they are. Just like you and me. I love this story: (Paul Prough)
'While walking along a river bank on afternoon, I cam across a rough looking character shabbily dressed, gazing intently at something near the waters edge. I was suspicious of him and tried pass by quickly. He turned towards me and I dared look at him. He was smiling! relief flooded through me. 'Aren't they beautiful? he said and as I looked among the weeds there was this mass of purple-blue violet flowers.'
May God help us to look at the heart and not the outward appearance.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Servant of the Lord.
What a privilege it is to be with the people on the margins of society. Those often described as different or of no value or worth. Its working with vulnerable people that I find the greatest privilege in my life. The isolated elderly give me the gift of their life story, endurance and experience, those who have a disability give me the gift of their humor, their love, their ability to face all sorts of challenges in life . I feel so close to God when I spend time with them. I guess its because they are the people that Jesus mixed with and asked us to care for. Somehow when I am with them I can see, as he would have, beyond their outward appearances. I can see beyond that to the 'real' people that they are. Just like you and me. I love this story: (Paul Prough)
'While walking along a river bank on afternoon, I cam across a rough looking character shabbily dressed, gazing intently at something near the waters edge. I was suspicious of him and tried pass by quickly. He turned towards me and I dared look at him. He was smiling! relief flooded through me. 'Aren't they beautiful? he said and as I looked among the weeds there was this mass of purple-blue violet flowers.'
May God help us to look at the heart and not the outward appearance.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Servant of the Lord.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Glorious riches
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being. Ephesians 3:16
There is so much to be thankful for. There has been storms in the night bringing life giving rain. The air is fresh with the smell of the eucalyptus;there are puddles on the muddy path (and the child in me wants to jump into one) The birds are ruffling wet feathers and singing even louder than usual and the grass already looks greener. There is a true sense of God having been at work in the night, washing the countryside with life giving rain and in the early morning light I see the sun come through the gaps in the clouds creating light in the fading darkness as if God is smiling an all his work and I thought of all these things, God's glorious riches, and was strengthened and empowered for the day.
May you start your day also realising God's glorious riches, and through that,may you be strengthened over and over through the day.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Photo: wildflowers by the walking track.
There is so much to be thankful for. There has been storms in the night bringing life giving rain. The air is fresh with the smell of the eucalyptus;there are puddles on the muddy path (and the child in me wants to jump into one) The birds are ruffling wet feathers and singing even louder than usual and the grass already looks greener. There is a true sense of God having been at work in the night, washing the countryside with life giving rain and in the early morning light I see the sun come through the gaps in the clouds creating light in the fading darkness as if God is smiling an all his work and I thought of all these things, God's glorious riches, and was strengthened and empowered for the day.
May you start your day also realising God's glorious riches, and through that,may you be strengthened over and over through the day.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Photo: wildflowers by the walking track.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Glory, glory
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed. Isaiah 40:5
In the hard places
in the laughter
in the breathtaking moments
in the pauses
in the noise
in the quiet
in all we do this all we all we are
May we see it , may we show
it,everywhere we go this day and every day
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Picture: Coober Pedy Breakaways.
In the hard places
in the laughter
in the breathtaking moments
in the pauses
in the noise
in the quiet
in all we do this all we all we are
May we see it , may we show
it,everywhere we go this day and every day
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Picture: Coober Pedy Breakaways.
Monday, October 6, 2014
A flash of heaven
'Like the sound of a distant bell comes God's call. Be still and know that I am God (psalm 46:10)
Every spring morning I seem to travel to heaven as I enjoy the delights of the scented garden and the call of the busy birds. One smell of the newly opened sweet peas, one sight of the opening iris's and one glance at the rose buds in anticipation of their coming glory and there I experience a flash of heaven. A word of praise. and an expression of joy to God that's caught on the breath of prayer falls from my lips. And as Annie Dillard says: ' If I am lucky I might be jogged awake by a bird call, This morning it was the wood duck.'
Life in the fast lane, in the mode of fast forward, can stop us from having an encounter with the wonders of God that are all around us if we only take the time to pause, to look, to wonder. To be still.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, October 3, 2014
Giving hope
Tend the flock of God that is in your charge. 1 Peter 5:2
I wonder do you have a personal vision statement for your life. Do you have some thought set in your heart and mind that guides your daily actions and steers your life?
On a piece of paper taped to the shelf above my office desk I have these words which I call my vision statement, almost an agreement with God.They are small words that pack a big punch. They set the daily round for me and they capture my life. They simply say: 'Lord, please bless the ones who have no hope and show me how to help.' As much as I see this as my vision statement I also 'hear' it deep in my heart as 'Here I am, Lord.' A God given vision, heart felt and acted on is the voice of God that requires a response from us to the life he has called us to live. Meditate a moment on your vision, your way of life.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I wonder do you have a personal vision statement for your life. Do you have some thought set in your heart and mind that guides your daily actions and steers your life?
On a piece of paper taped to the shelf above my office desk I have these words which I call my vision statement, almost an agreement with God.They are small words that pack a big punch. They set the daily round for me and they capture my life. They simply say: 'Lord, please bless the ones who have no hope and show me how to help.' As much as I see this as my vision statement I also 'hear' it deep in my heart as 'Here I am, Lord.' A God given vision, heart felt and acted on is the voice of God that requires a response from us to the life he has called us to live. Meditate a moment on your vision, your way of life.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, September 26, 2014
feel the gentle peace
In thy presence, is fullness of joy Psalm 16:11
Just pause a moment and go outside and look at the face of God who is constantly reminding us of his presence. I could 'feel' the gentle peace in the mist silently hovering in the folds of the spring green hills. I could 'hear' God's masterpiece in the warble of the magpies, welcoming the morning. I could 'see ' his creativity in the delicate, beautifully crafted blossoms of the Wattle (have you looked at one up close?) and yes, even the weeds of the field have flowers of yellow, white and blue and I see, so cheeky, a sulpha crested cockatoo pop his head up from among the long grass as if playing hide and seek with his mates and I momentarily see God's humour. These are moments of stillness and reflection and as I
pause I reflect on the words of Martin Luther who said: ' Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection not in books, but in every leaf (and I say presence) of springtime.'
The new day is full of new discoveries, new signs among us. Who could doubt the living God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Just pause a moment and go outside and look at the face of God who is constantly reminding us of his presence. I could 'feel' the gentle peace in the mist silently hovering in the folds of the spring green hills. I could 'hear' God's masterpiece in the warble of the magpies, welcoming the morning. I could 'see ' his creativity in the delicate, beautifully crafted blossoms of the Wattle (have you looked at one up close?) and yes, even the weeds of the field have flowers of yellow, white and blue and I see, so cheeky, a sulpha crested cockatoo pop his head up from among the long grass as if playing hide and seek with his mates and I momentarily see God's humour. These are moments of stillness and reflection and as I
pause I reflect on the words of Martin Luther who said: ' Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection not in books, but in every leaf (and I say presence) of springtime.'
The new day is full of new discoveries, new signs among us. Who could doubt the living God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, September 22, 2014
To God be the Glory
O Lord my God, you are very great......the earth is satisfied by the fruit of his work.' Psalm 104:1,13
Have you noticed God is putting on his glory again?
The Daphne is out.The Cootamundra wattle is out.The Japonica buds have burst.The morning sky is a kaleidoscope of colour and, on the flowering gum, tiny 'ballerina' like blossoms are dancing in soft pink tu-tu's.
Its so special to be able to look about and see the things of God, here, there and everywhere and we will see his glory, if we have our eyes fixed on him.
Fanny Crosby had 3000 of her works published and among them was the hymn, 'To God be the Glory.' Fanny was blind from birth yet God gave her a knowledge that allowed her minds eye to'see' his glory.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Have you noticed God is putting on his glory again?
The Daphne is out.The Cootamundra wattle is out.The Japonica buds have burst.The morning sky is a kaleidoscope of colour and, on the flowering gum, tiny 'ballerina' like blossoms are dancing in soft pink tu-tu's.
Its so special to be able to look about and see the things of God, here, there and everywhere and we will see his glory, if we have our eyes fixed on him.
Fanny Crosby had 3000 of her works published and among them was the hymn, 'To God be the Glory.' Fanny was blind from birth yet God gave her a knowledge that allowed her minds eye to'see' his glory.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, September 19, 2014
From insect to mountain top.
'He gave us eyes to see them and lips that we might tell, how great is God Almighty who has made all things well.' (TIS 135)
Suddenly, when we sing a familiar hymn from down the ages of the older people, faces light up, voices are raised and memory fills the singing. That happens at the aged care facility when we sing the likes of 'All things bright and Beautiful' I was reading some works of Henry Gariepy who said: 'He (God) polished the eye of every tiny insect, painted the bell on the Lilly and crafted the exquisite geometry of the snowflake. He is the one who has made 'all things bright and beautiful.' Somehow its that sense of 'God is in control' that sits deep within us from the beginning of our faith. A God who can so powerfully create tiny detail and momentous expanse of mountain and sea yet is a God who know the depth of you and me. In this troubled and anxious world let us hold strong to the God of our childhood, the God of our faith formation, the God who has journeyed with us through life, the God who never leaves us, the God who is only a prayer (or a hymn) away.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Suddenly, when we sing a familiar hymn from down the ages of the older people, faces light up, voices are raised and memory fills the singing. That happens at the aged care facility when we sing the likes of 'All things bright and Beautiful' I was reading some works of Henry Gariepy who said: 'He (God) polished the eye of every tiny insect, painted the bell on the Lilly and crafted the exquisite geometry of the snowflake. He is the one who has made 'all things bright and beautiful.' Somehow its that sense of 'God is in control' that sits deep within us from the beginning of our faith. A God who can so powerfully create tiny detail and momentous expanse of mountain and sea yet is a God who know the depth of you and me. In this troubled and anxious world let us hold strong to the God of our childhood, the God of our faith formation, the God who has journeyed with us through life, the God who never leaves us, the God who is only a prayer (or a hymn) away.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, September 15, 2014
the promised land
Then Moses went up from the plains of Moab to Mt Nebo, to the top of Pisgah, which is opposite Jericho and the Lord showed him the whole land.....The Lord said to him. 'This is the land, I will give it to your descendants.' Deuteronomy 34:1-4 (paraphrased.)
I was walking on the bicycle track after rain and there were worms attempting to cross it. The bitumen was drying fast and many were stuck. Some made it to the other side, some perished on the way and for some strange reason I thought of Moses and his people as they struggled for years to reach the promised land. Some made it, some perished on the way. Then, I took that thought further into our own lives and how many struggle in their endeavor to reach the promised land. Some are lost on the way, some die, some don't know it exists and some run with great perseverance to reach it.
Our task is to lead God's people, to seek them out,to make Christ known, to nurture them on the way to that promised land that is theirs by faith.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I was walking on the bicycle track after rain and there were worms attempting to cross it. The bitumen was drying fast and many were stuck. Some made it to the other side, some perished on the way and for some strange reason I thought of Moses and his people as they struggled for years to reach the promised land. Some made it, some perished on the way. Then, I took that thought further into our own lives and how many struggle in their endeavor to reach the promised land. Some are lost on the way, some die, some don't know it exists and some run with great perseverance to reach it.
Our task is to lead God's people, to seek them out,to make Christ known, to nurture them on the way to that promised land that is theirs by faith.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, September 12, 2014
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Psalm 23:6
Something to think about today. Its called 'Disconcerting' and I don't know the author. It says:
'I read in a book, that a man called Christ was going about doing good.Its very disconcerting to me, that I so easily satisfied,was just going about.'
It sort of pulls you up in your tracks a bit and makes you think, doesn't it.
So lets pray about that by saying:
Day by day, O Lord, of you three things we pray,to see you more clearly,to love you more dearly
to follow you more nearly
day by day. Amen
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Something to think about today. Its called 'Disconcerting' and I don't know the author. It says:
'I read in a book, that a man called Christ was going about doing good.Its very disconcerting to me, that I so easily satisfied,was just going about.'
It sort of pulls you up in your tracks a bit and makes you think, doesn't it.
So lets pray about that by saying:
Day by day, O Lord, of you three things we pray,to see you more clearly,to love you more dearly
to follow you more nearly
day by day. Amen
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, September 8, 2014
create in me
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10
Everything was so still and I could feel the warmth of spring already creeping into the day and as I walked there was just me and God.
I stopped in my tracks as I heard the call of a baby bird anxious for its breakfast and being watched by its mother, one eye on the baby and one eye on the food gathering.
I marveled at the increasing bud burst on the blossom tree where pink blooms were bursting free from dry, uninteresting buds on leafless branches.
And for the first time this spring the red rump, fire-tail finches are gathering the crumbs from the base of the bird feeder.
I looked at the small cup shaped indents in the dust where the sparrows have been having a dust bath and thought of God's promise that he even cares for them.
I love the early morning when everything is still, when every hour belongs to me, and I do as I will (Chrissy Greenslade)
Make time for yourself. Enjoy the special moments.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Everything was so still and I could feel the warmth of spring already creeping into the day and as I walked there was just me and God.
I stopped in my tracks as I heard the call of a baby bird anxious for its breakfast and being watched by its mother, one eye on the baby and one eye on the food gathering.
I marveled at the increasing bud burst on the blossom tree where pink blooms were bursting free from dry, uninteresting buds on leafless branches.
And for the first time this spring the red rump, fire-tail finches are gathering the crumbs from the base of the bird feeder.
I looked at the small cup shaped indents in the dust where the sparrows have been having a dust bath and thought of God's promise that he even cares for them.
I love the early morning when everything is still, when every hour belongs to me, and I do as I will (Chrissy Greenslade)
Make time for yourself. Enjoy the special moments.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, September 5, 2014
continual feast
The cheerful heart has a continual feast. Proverbs 15:15
We are never poor when our heart has a continual feast:
Company of good friends sharing chocolate, sharing the beauty of nature, sharing life.
Walking at sunrise, catching the creation of the day, the fog,the mist, the colour.
Welcoming in the spring,the smell of mown grass, wattle, bright yellow daffodils, warm sunny days.
The blessings from God, The stranger we meet along the way,Godly encounters, our life, his comfort and his love.
I read this from Iris Murdoch: 'One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
We are never poor when our heart has a continual feast:
Company of good friends sharing chocolate, sharing the beauty of nature, sharing life.
Walking at sunrise, catching the creation of the day, the fog,the mist, the colour.
Welcoming in the spring,the smell of mown grass, wattle, bright yellow daffodils, warm sunny days.
The blessings from God, The stranger we meet along the way,Godly encounters, our life, his comfort and his love.
I read this from Iris Murdoch: 'One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Are you Jesus
'You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and give Glory to your Father in heaven.' Matthew 5:14-16(paraphrased)
There are so many ways we can be the light of Christ in this world and I recall a story that I heard many years ago: Three men were running late for their flight home after a convention and in their haste they knocked over a stand that was selling apples and they went everywhere. In fear of missing their flight the men kept going. As they got close to the departure gate one of the men said to his friends, 'call my wife and tell her I will be on a later flight' and he turned and went back to the apple stand where the young girl was struggling to gather the apples. He proceeded to help her and in conversation discovered she was blind. With the apples back in place, he gave her money for the damaged ones and said his good bye. As he was walking away she called out to him 'Mister, are you Jesus?'
Think about how your daily actions can cause others to see Jesus.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
There are so many ways we can be the light of Christ in this world and I recall a story that I heard many years ago: Three men were running late for their flight home after a convention and in their haste they knocked over a stand that was selling apples and they went everywhere. In fear of missing their flight the men kept going. As they got close to the departure gate one of the men said to his friends, 'call my wife and tell her I will be on a later flight' and he turned and went back to the apple stand where the young girl was struggling to gather the apples. He proceeded to help her and in conversation discovered she was blind. With the apples back in place, he gave her money for the damaged ones and said his good bye. As he was walking away she called out to him 'Mister, are you Jesus?'
Think about how your daily actions can cause others to see Jesus.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, August 29, 2014
faithful God
I know that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it.Ecclesiastes 3:14
Mist, fine and hovering was elevated just a few inches above the still water on the pond and sleepy wood ducks waddled up the hill looking for their breakfast among the clumps of grass and although the morning was quiet a great chorus came from deep within the pond, a chorus from the frogs of peeps and squeaks and croaks and ribb-it. As I left the gate I passed my side garden with aromas of the violets and a gimps of the first of the delicate spring blossom on the prunes tree. Oh God, how wonderful it is to focus on the rich legacy we have in you, that steadfastness, faithfulness, that ' for ever showing upness' that lasts forever and shows us that in you we too will last forever, forever in your kingdom.
In a troubled world let us not lose the glimpses of the steadfastness, the beauty and the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Mist, fine and hovering was elevated just a few inches above the still water on the pond and sleepy wood ducks waddled up the hill looking for their breakfast among the clumps of grass and although the morning was quiet a great chorus came from deep within the pond, a chorus from the frogs of peeps and squeaks and croaks and ribb-it. As I left the gate I passed my side garden with aromas of the violets and a gimps of the first of the delicate spring blossom on the prunes tree. Oh God, how wonderful it is to focus on the rich legacy we have in you, that steadfastness, faithfulness, that ' for ever showing upness' that lasts forever and shows us that in you we too will last forever, forever in your kingdom.
In a troubled world let us not lose the glimpses of the steadfastness, the beauty and the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Standing for Jesus
Do not let loyalty and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3
As a Sunday School child I remember many things I was taught and that experience was the foundation of my faith and belief. Some of the songs have never left my memory or my voice, songs such as, 'Stand up stand up for Jesus you Soldiers of the Cross ' and ' Onward Christian Soldiers.' Perhaps the words these days are not appropriate for the world we live in but I think if I were captive because of my faith these are two songs that would be on my trembling heart. Like many I long to stand strong in faith yet I question my own loyalty and courage. Would I, would I stand firm and say 'Yes, I believe in Jesus' if my life or the life of my family and friends was in danger? I pray I would.
Lord, prepare our hearts always in readiness to meet you at any time, in any place.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
church of the Holy Sepulchre. Jerusalem
As a Sunday School child I remember many things I was taught and that experience was the foundation of my faith and belief. Some of the songs have never left my memory or my voice, songs such as, 'Stand up stand up for Jesus you Soldiers of the Cross ' and ' Onward Christian Soldiers.' Perhaps the words these days are not appropriate for the world we live in but I think if I were captive because of my faith these are two songs that would be on my trembling heart. Like many I long to stand strong in faith yet I question my own loyalty and courage. Would I, would I stand firm and say 'Yes, I believe in Jesus' if my life or the life of my family and friends was in danger? I pray I would.
Lord, prepare our hearts always in readiness to meet you at any time, in any place.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, August 15, 2014
in need of light
Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord. Isa 2:5
I was reflecting on these words in the early morning. It seemed the country side has stood still, almost empty, not a sound, even the first of the early birds were still asleep yet I knew within the hour the light would come and every living creature and plant would start responding. Its like that with the light of Christ. We know that it too will move and filter into dark places and I reflect on each of us as 'light bearers,' those who carry the light of Christ into places of need be it through action or the word, the breath of our prayers. I have a mission statement for my nursing ministry to those in the community who struggle with the daily issue of just living, it says: Please bless the ones who have no hope and show me how to help.
'Bathed in morning light, pray that the lantern of your life move gently this day in all those places where light is needed.'Macina Wiederkehr)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I was reflecting on these words in the early morning. It seemed the country side has stood still, almost empty, not a sound, even the first of the early birds were still asleep yet I knew within the hour the light would come and every living creature and plant would start responding. Its like that with the light of Christ. We know that it too will move and filter into dark places and I reflect on each of us as 'light bearers,' those who carry the light of Christ into places of need be it through action or the word, the breath of our prayers. I have a mission statement for my nursing ministry to those in the community who struggle with the daily issue of just living, it says: Please bless the ones who have no hope and show me how to help.
'Bathed in morning light, pray that the lantern of your life move gently this day in all those places where light is needed.'Macina Wiederkehr)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, August 11, 2014
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
We are the peace makers. Matt 5.
I come back from a crisp morning walk in minus 4 degree frost, crystal clear sky and a quiet that seems to echo the presence of Christ yet on my mind and in my heart is the knowledge that many are living in a place where peace seems so far of.I read a quote which said: 'The quakes in their lives are registered on the Richter Scale of our own heart's'. (Gariepy)
I am blessed, you are blessed and we are blessed, because we are children of God. We are Christians and we know the great saving love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That is easy to say in the comfort of our homes and in the peace in our country but can you imagine being one of those Christian families stranded on a mountain top in Iraq, running for your dear life and that of your children at the threat of being killed for believing in Christ. No possessions, no food or water, nothing but the adrenalin pumping your legs to run for your life and your strong everlasting faith in Jesus propelling you. According to the Richter Scale of your heart, pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Iraq for we are all one body in Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
I come back from a crisp morning walk in minus 4 degree frost, crystal clear sky and a quiet that seems to echo the presence of Christ yet on my mind and in my heart is the knowledge that many are living in a place where peace seems so far of.I read a quote which said: 'The quakes in their lives are registered on the Richter Scale of our own heart's'. (Gariepy)
I am blessed, you are blessed and we are blessed, because we are children of God. We are Christians and we know the great saving love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That is easy to say in the comfort of our homes and in the peace in our country but can you imagine being one of those Christian families stranded on a mountain top in Iraq, running for your dear life and that of your children at the threat of being killed for believing in Christ. No possessions, no food or water, nothing but the adrenalin pumping your legs to run for your life and your strong everlasting faith in Jesus propelling you. According to the Richter Scale of your heart, pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Iraq for we are all one body in Christ.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, August 8, 2014
visitor verses pilgrim
'For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you should follow in his steps.' 1 Peter 2:21
When we go on pilgrimage we take with us what is called pilgrim baggage but what will we take home? St Giouanna says, ' By being a pilgrim my heart learns to hear the cries of those who have no choice but to be pilgrims; refugees, poor,and impoverished. Today our lives are impacted with news of the refugees fleeing from wars in the Middle East, the looming humanitarian crisis in Africa with pending starvation of millions and a deadly virus and the persecution of Christians who are being forced to convert to Islam or be killed. What do you take home when you go to your quiet place of prayer, your quiet day, your retreat, your time of reflection? These things are so important to do because it is in those times we hear the voice of God and are led to follow his ask of us. Without hearing his voice we are like pilgrims taking baggage with us and then bringing it home. Set firm in your mind and heart when you go to seek God that there is a difference between the visitor and the pilgrim. When you visit your special place of prayer come away knowing that.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Place of pilgrimage
I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.' Our feet are standing within your gates O Jerusalem. Psalm 122
Pilgrims travel from all over the world to Jerusalem, and have done always and the first point of call is the place where Jesus body lay, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the most Holy place in Christianity. In 570AD a pilgrim called Peacenza placed a bronze lamp at the head of where Jesus body had laid. It burned there day and night and we took a blessing from it and then put it back. Holy places, sacred places to me are places where people of faith go consistently to pray, to touch, to see, to have an encounter. I stood at the slab of stone in this church where it is said marks the spot where the women attended to Jesus after he was taken off the cross. Is that so? perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't but what was a certainty was that for pilgrims such as Peacenza , myself and millions of others, this was a place where prayers have been descending to God, for centuries and that makes it a Holy, sacred place. Where do you go consistently to pray, to see, to touch and to have an encounter.? Where ever that is for you, that to will be a place of holiness and sacredness for you thus the value of a prayer desk, a special chair, the same spot in the garden. Its those places that we meet God and are blessed and like Peacenza we take a blessing from that and then put it back.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Pilgrims travel from all over the world to Jerusalem, and have done always and the first point of call is the place where Jesus body lay, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the most Holy place in Christianity. In 570AD a pilgrim called Peacenza placed a bronze lamp at the head of where Jesus body had laid. It burned there day and night and we took a blessing from it and then put it back. Holy places, sacred places to me are places where people of faith go consistently to pray, to touch, to see, to have an encounter. I stood at the slab of stone in this church where it is said marks the spot where the women attended to Jesus after he was taken off the cross. Is that so? perhaps it is, perhaps it isn't but what was a certainty was that for pilgrims such as Peacenza , myself and millions of others, this was a place where prayers have been descending to God, for centuries and that makes it a Holy, sacred place. Where do you go consistently to pray, to see, to touch and to have an encounter.? Where ever that is for you, that to will be a place of holiness and sacredness for you thus the value of a prayer desk, a special chair, the same spot in the garden. Its those places that we meet God and are blessed and like Peacenza we take a blessing from that and then put it back.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, August 1, 2014
living water
The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life. John 3:14
I was reflecting on the Sunday Gospel of the loaves and fishes and how Jesus showed such compassion for the hungry crowd even though he was feeling tired and wanting to have some 'time out.' First he attended to their needs and then went aside by himself to pray. Sometimes we can experience compassion fatigue if we do not care for ourselves well in our ministry.'Life is about wholeness, not about effectiveness and its good to learn to be a human being and not a human doing.' (anon)
Gentle soft rain
Silently falling,refreshing, wetting, glistening on thirsty leaves. Thirsty for refreshment, thirsty for drink
like our souls, thirsty for you O Lord, to drink in your way, your life and be refreshed
by what you call your 'living water.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
I was reflecting on the Sunday Gospel of the loaves and fishes and how Jesus showed such compassion for the hungry crowd even though he was feeling tired and wanting to have some 'time out.' First he attended to their needs and then went aside by himself to pray. Sometimes we can experience compassion fatigue if we do not care for ourselves well in our ministry.'Life is about wholeness, not about effectiveness and its good to learn to be a human being and not a human doing.' (anon)
Gentle soft rain
Silently falling,refreshing, wetting, glistening on thirsty leaves. Thirsty for refreshment, thirsty for drink
like our souls, thirsty for you O Lord, to drink in your way, your life and be refreshed
by what you call your 'living water.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, July 28, 2014
They went to a place called Gethsemane. Mark 14:32
Sometimes we don't know how to pray and sometimes we feel a particular passion for a situation that needs prayer and sometimes we need to go to a quiet place and just 'be' with God. Sometimes the act of lighting a candle or smelling a perfumed flower can be a deep and profound prayer and connection with God. As I looked at the ancient olive trees in the garden of Gethsemane I had a sense of the deep anguish of Jesus as he prayed to his Father , perhaps at first not knowing quite what to pray for.
I was particularly struck by the prayer in the cloisters of St Georges Cathedral Jerusalem that to me seemed to come from a situation that required sensitive encompassing prayer. It was written by a Palestinian Christian and it reads
Pray not for Arab or Jew, for Palestinian or Israeli pray rather for ourselves that we might not divide them in our prayers but keep them both together in our hearts.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Be bold and strong
Be strong and bold;have no fear or dread of them because it is the Lord your God who goes with you;he will not fail you or forsake you. Deut 31:6
What a troubled world we live in and its hard at times to put that in any sort of perspective as I walked this morning in a fresh morning frost, quiet and peace yet my heart carried a weight of the world's troubles.
I suspect for many who are grieving and suffering it would be easy to give into fear and to give up on living but we don't and we must not because God has given us a faith. Faith is something hard to explain at times but is really is as simple as 'I believe' and if that's the concept we have as Christians then that should give us an inner sense that God is in control of all things, he is present and a well of strength and peace when we feel our world is out of control and we are downcast. We struggle but we hold onto that faith. As people of God and people of faith and belief we need to be able to be present and strengthen those who may be feeling a 'crack' in their faith in these troubled times. Prayer, our prayers are the hope of the troubled world.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
What a troubled world we live in and its hard at times to put that in any sort of perspective as I walked this morning in a fresh morning frost, quiet and peace yet my heart carried a weight of the world's troubles.
I suspect for many who are grieving and suffering it would be easy to give into fear and to give up on living but we don't and we must not because God has given us a faith. Faith is something hard to explain at times but is really is as simple as 'I believe' and if that's the concept we have as Christians then that should give us an inner sense that God is in control of all things, he is present and a well of strength and peace when we feel our world is out of control and we are downcast. We struggle but we hold onto that faith. As people of God and people of faith and belief we need to be able to be present and strengthen those who may be feeling a 'crack' in their faith in these troubled times. Prayer, our prayers are the hope of the troubled world.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, July 21, 2014
pray for the peace, pray for the peace
How they are destroyed in a moment, swept away utterly by terrors! Ps 73:19
There are many dark places full of haunts of violence in the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem and indeed as we see, in the world.. To the sound of wailing air raid sirens I watched combat, missile carrying helicopters fly over and cloud the otherwise bright sky of Jerusalem, I couldn't help but think how swift and unexpected violence can be. Moments ago I had been preparing for my days outing in peace and quiet and suddenly I found myself running for the air raid shelter. War erupted over the kidnap and death of three Israeli boys and the retaliation of the brutal death of a Palestinian boy. And today there is a personal tension of praise to God and grief. I arrived home safely on my flight but 298 people on another flight didn't.
Where is God in all of this we may well ask. I answer myself by saying God is healing, comforting, strengthening and loving as Jerusalem churches (and churches around the world) provide sanctuary, education and other assistance to all. The churches are a sanctuary and the voice of the voiceless speaking out loudly for change. Every evening at Evensong in St Georges Cathedral we ended the service with the quiet repetitious chant of: Pray for the peace, pray for the peace, pray for the peace of Jerusalem ( the world) I find now each evening after Compline I quietly sing that same chant. How are you the voice of the church in our turbulent world?
There are many dark places full of haunts of violence in the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem and indeed as we see, in the world.. To the sound of wailing air raid sirens I watched combat, missile carrying helicopters fly over and cloud the otherwise bright sky of Jerusalem, I couldn't help but think how swift and unexpected violence can be. Moments ago I had been preparing for my days outing in peace and quiet and suddenly I found myself running for the air raid shelter. War erupted over the kidnap and death of three Israeli boys and the retaliation of the brutal death of a Palestinian boy. And today there is a personal tension of praise to God and grief. I arrived home safely on my flight but 298 people on another flight didn't.
Where is God in all of this we may well ask. I answer myself by saying God is healing, comforting, strengthening and loving as Jerusalem churches (and churches around the world) provide sanctuary, education and other assistance to all. The churches are a sanctuary and the voice of the voiceless speaking out loudly for change. Every evening at Evensong in St Georges Cathedral we ended the service with the quiet repetitious chant of: Pray for the peace, pray for the peace, pray for the peace of Jerusalem ( the world) I find now each evening after Compline I quietly sing that same chant. How are you the voice of the church in our turbulent world?
Monday, June 16, 2014
last rose of summer
Then sings my soul,my saviour God to thee (TIS 155)
How do you describe a morning that is as whiter than white?
How do you describe the large 'old man' tree that lies on its side becoming one with the soil
flanked by new winter grass its upper trunk majestic with a covering of shining frost
How do you describe the rising sun,silver like a moon,pushing its way through thick cold fog to filter through the silent eucalyptus in streams of soft morning light
How do you describe the last summer rose
on a leafless thorny bush?
Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee,.How great thou art, how great thou art.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
How do you describe a morning that is as whiter than white?
How do you describe the large 'old man' tree that lies on its side becoming one with the soil
flanked by new winter grass its upper trunk majestic with a covering of shining frost
How do you describe the rising sun,silver like a moon,pushing its way through thick cold fog to filter through the silent eucalyptus in streams of soft morning light
How do you describe the last summer rose
on a leafless thorny bush?
Then sings my soul, my saviour God to thee,.How great thou art, how great thou art.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, June 13, 2014
something greater
The Lord is a strong tower. He is a tower of strength in time of need. Ps9:9
Sometimes we are faced with something to do that we perceive to be far greater than we think we are able.
I remember the first funeral I every took.
The first sermon I preached.
The first essay I wrote.
The first pastoral visit I did
I recall leaning heavily on the shoulder of God with many prayers and calls of 'help.'
Isn't it then that we truly know the strength of God and the power of the Holy Spirit?
Its an amazing experience to put utter and total trust in God when all our human strengths have deserted us. It puts a whole new meaning to the words.' in the strength of the Lord.'
Until we experience that we don't really know the power of God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Sometimes we are faced with something to do that we perceive to be far greater than we think we are able.
I remember the first funeral I every took.
The first sermon I preached.
The first essay I wrote.
The first pastoral visit I did
I recall leaning heavily on the shoulder of God with many prayers and calls of 'help.'
Isn't it then that we truly know the strength of God and the power of the Holy Spirit?
Its an amazing experience to put utter and total trust in God when all our human strengths have deserted us. It puts a whole new meaning to the words.' in the strength of the Lord.'
Until we experience that we don't really know the power of God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Unchanging God
Wind, wind blow on me, wind wind set me free, wind wind the Father sent, the blessed Holy Spirit. (New Harvest 226)
I was watching the children flying a kite and they were having such fun and filled with joy as it flew to great heights on the wind, dipping, and dancing in the sky until the wind stopped and then down it fell helplessly to the ground where the children rushed to gather it up and fly it again. As I watched it reminded me so much of life, the ups and downs of life. The soaring and dancing and the dips and crashes and then I thought of God, how he is there for us in whatever life dishes up to us be it when we are filled with joy, dancing and happiness or down in the dumps, sad and feeling alone or in crisis. His love is unfailing, unchanging and always present, never dependent on which way the wind is blowing but just always there ready to soar with us or pick us up and launch us back into life again.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I was watching the children flying a kite and they were having such fun and filled with joy as it flew to great heights on the wind, dipping, and dancing in the sky until the wind stopped and then down it fell helplessly to the ground where the children rushed to gather it up and fly it again. As I watched it reminded me so much of life, the ups and downs of life. The soaring and dancing and the dips and crashes and then I thought of God, how he is there for us in whatever life dishes up to us be it when we are filled with joy, dancing and happiness or down in the dumps, sad and feeling alone or in crisis. His love is unfailing, unchanging and always present, never dependent on which way the wind is blowing but just always there ready to soar with us or pick us up and launch us back into life again.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, June 6, 2014
Glory Lord and Honor
Sing praises to the Lord for he has done gloriously. Isaiah 12:5
Autumn is so special a time to see right before our eyes, the Glory of God. Magnificent autumn leaves, multiple hues, hanging, falling, blowing in the wind, carpeting the ground, glorious sun rises and sun sets that paint the sky in breathtaking colours and bring the day onto its knees in stillness and quiet but have you taken your sight of God's Glory a step further? Have you seen God's Glory in a single raindrop?
Tiny dots of creation, and as the sun shines through
they become a kaleidoscope of crystal like colours, bubbles packed with God's beauty.
What a mighty and magnificent God we have.
Take the time, take the time to have many pauses in your day and see for yourself his Glory right there beside you. See him eye to eye in his glory.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, May 23, 2014
every day a day of thanksgiving
Let them sacrifice thank offerings and tell of his works with songs of joy. Ps 107:22
Its glorious, glorious, is the autumn morning. The pilgrimage to the pond brought joy and delight. There is a mist in the valleys of the backdrop of the mountains, pockets of mystery, soft, gentle mystery and in the paddock I watch a cluster of blue wildflowers dance in the gentle breeze for a moment of utter delight. I survey it all and my heart kneels to pray. Thank you God for the beauty around me everywhere- the soft breeze, the autumn air, the dew on the grass, the sunshine - Help us Lord to remember that the key to life and living is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks and ever day a day of thanksgiving. (Steiner Rice)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Its glorious, glorious, is the autumn morning. The pilgrimage to the pond brought joy and delight. There is a mist in the valleys of the backdrop of the mountains, pockets of mystery, soft, gentle mystery and in the paddock I watch a cluster of blue wildflowers dance in the gentle breeze for a moment of utter delight. I survey it all and my heart kneels to pray. Thank you God for the beauty around me everywhere- the soft breeze, the autumn air, the dew on the grass, the sunshine - Help us Lord to remember that the key to life and living is to make each prayer a prayer of thanks and ever day a day of thanksgiving. (Steiner Rice)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, May 19, 2014
solid joys
Glorious things of you are spoken, solid joys and lasting treasure non but Zion's children know. TIS 446
I can vouch for that:
The dawn of morning, fog ridden and silent
and a magpie sings.
The blaze of fiery red in the sunrise, glowing behind ghost like trees
silhouetting, shadowing, illuminating
Deep blue mountains, contours clear and weaving
tips touched and painted pink by the rising sun.
Autumn leaves, a kaleidoscope of colours
hanging, falling, carpeting the ground
Transforming beauty as the day breaks
and there is a sense that God is here, in the stillness and the quiet.
Glorious things that speak of God
solid joys and lasting treasures.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I can vouch for that:
The dawn of morning, fog ridden and silent
and a magpie sings.
The blaze of fiery red in the sunrise, glowing behind ghost like trees
silhouetting, shadowing, illuminating
Deep blue mountains, contours clear and weaving
tips touched and painted pink by the rising sun.
Autumn leaves, a kaleidoscope of colours
hanging, falling, carpeting the ground
Transforming beauty as the day breaks
and there is a sense that God is here, in the stillness and the quiet.
Glorious things that speak of God
solid joys and lasting treasures.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, May 16, 2014
'Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear.' (Hymn)
I see it again and again, God is active and with us in the world today, revealing this in so many ways if we have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart that's open.This week a young man asked me if I could help him. As he constantly wiped tears from his cheeks with the corner of his jacket he told a story of trying to survive on a very low income job, restricted by a bridging visa and with a wife and baby to look after as well. I can't make ends meet, we are sinking, can you find me a job, I have aged care qualifications . My heart went out to him and I said I would do my best. After he left I immediately went to the Lord and pleaded his case to God. ' How,' I said' can we help this desperate young man, a pilgrim in our country?' I went later in the day to the aged care facility and pleaded his case 'Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will seem strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.'
but God had gone before me, paving the way and at this moment it seems, this young man has a job, restricted still by a bridging visa but on a higher salary. 'What can I say but 'thank you God, thanks you.' and I say it on my knees. I came home singing
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
I see it again and again, God is active and with us in the world today, revealing this in so many ways if we have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart that's open.This week a young man asked me if I could help him. As he constantly wiped tears from his cheeks with the corner of his jacket he told a story of trying to survive on a very low income job, restricted by a bridging visa and with a wife and baby to look after as well. I can't make ends meet, we are sinking, can you find me a job, I have aged care qualifications . My heart went out to him and I said I would do my best. After he left I immediately went to the Lord and pleaded his case to God. ' How,' I said' can we help this desperate young man, a pilgrim in our country?' I went later in the day to the aged care facility and pleaded his case 'Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will seem strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.'
but God had gone before me, paving the way and at this moment it seems, this young man has a job, restricted still by a bridging visa but on a higher salary. 'What can I say but 'thank you God, thanks you.' and I say it on my knees. I came home singing
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, May 12, 2014
Mat 26:36. Sit here while I go over there and pray.
I love that word 'pilgrimage.' Its a word that takes you on an adventure the moment you think it or say it no matter where you are heading. I go on a pilgrimage daily, sometimes several times a day, when I look at the pond across from my home. I can journey there and reflect and ponder and dwell and stay, for as long as I want, in fact, its often hard to pull myself away. There are, at the pond, countless moments of pure delight, beautiful red rumped grass parrots, the cheeky willy wag tail, blue wrens, flighty finches,wood ducks, frogs,dragonflies, reeds growing straight and tall housing shelter and places of nesting.. There is often a filtering of soft mist, mysterious and inviting.There is stillness and quiet but most of all in the beauty and stillness there is God and isn't that what a pilgrimage is about, a place to go, reflect, cast off your cares, and see and seek and find God.Where is your favourite place of pilgrimage?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord
I love that word 'pilgrimage.' Its a word that takes you on an adventure the moment you think it or say it no matter where you are heading. I go on a pilgrimage daily, sometimes several times a day, when I look at the pond across from my home. I can journey there and reflect and ponder and dwell and stay, for as long as I want, in fact, its often hard to pull myself away. There are, at the pond, countless moments of pure delight, beautiful red rumped grass parrots, the cheeky willy wag tail, blue wrens, flighty finches,wood ducks, frogs,dragonflies, reeds growing straight and tall housing shelter and places of nesting.. There is often a filtering of soft mist, mysterious and inviting.There is stillness and quiet but most of all in the beauty and stillness there is God and isn't that what a pilgrimage is about, a place to go, reflect, cast off your cares, and see and seek and find God.Where is your favourite place of pilgrimage?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne,servant of the Lord
Monday, May 5, 2014
Delight in the Lord
Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart Ps 37:4
It was so quiet out walking this morning. it was early and there was a nip in the air and even the birds were quiet. So peaceful to just be with God and I could see the cloud around the horizon with a ting of red and I waited for the morning to explode into the colour of an autumn sunrise.I was not disappointed.
Layer upon layer of red and orange and grey and blue that kept coming and coming like a tide to the shore and it rebounded across the sky in a repetition of colourful episodes. Breathtaking, mind centering, God focusing and blessing upon
blessing as the Lord showered the day with his presence. My cup has been filled. The Lord is in his house. How has your cup been filled ready for the day ahead?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
It was so quiet out walking this morning. it was early and there was a nip in the air and even the birds were quiet. So peaceful to just be with God and I could see the cloud around the horizon with a ting of red and I waited for the morning to explode into the colour of an autumn sunrise.I was not disappointed.
Layer upon layer of red and orange and grey and blue that kept coming and coming like a tide to the shore and it rebounded across the sky in a repetition of colourful episodes. Breathtaking, mind centering, God focusing and blessing upon
blessing as the Lord showered the day with his presence. My cup has been filled. The Lord is in his house. How has your cup been filled ready for the day ahead?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, April 28, 2014
God of surprise
While he was speaking these words to me I was speechless. Daniel 10:15
Why should I be surprised when God steps into a situation with a solution. When he suddenly seems to be there on 'the same page' as me? I have a client at the Day Hospice who I had promised a new wheel chair as the one he was using was not safe and then my funding ran out and on my mind was my promise to this man of his new chair. 'How Lord,' I asked in prayer,' am I going to honour this promise?' These thoughts were on my mind as I went to visit a family to discuss the funeral of their elderly mother. After the discussion one of her son's said to me, quite out of the blue.' I don't suppose you know anyone who could use an almost new 'Mercedes style' wheelchair do you?' It seemed an age before I responded with a 'yes I could', trying not to sound too excited and then explained I have a man at the day hospice I am involved in and...... They were so chuffed to think the chair was going to be used and I was so blessed that God came to that funeral preparation. I drove home almost in shock at the events that had unfolded. God is so good, so good.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Why should I be surprised when God steps into a situation with a solution. When he suddenly seems to be there on 'the same page' as me? I have a client at the Day Hospice who I had promised a new wheel chair as the one he was using was not safe and then my funding ran out and on my mind was my promise to this man of his new chair. 'How Lord,' I asked in prayer,' am I going to honour this promise?' These thoughts were on my mind as I went to visit a family to discuss the funeral of their elderly mother. After the discussion one of her son's said to me, quite out of the blue.' I don't suppose you know anyone who could use an almost new 'Mercedes style' wheelchair do you?' It seemed an age before I responded with a 'yes I could', trying not to sound too excited and then explained I have a man at the day hospice I am involved in and...... They were so chuffed to think the chair was going to be used and I was so blessed that God came to that funeral preparation. I drove home almost in shock at the events that had unfolded. God is so good, so good.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, April 25, 2014
God calling
Fill my whole life, O Lord my God. TIS 596
As a child I grew more and more fascinated in people who worked and devoted their life for God. I loved to see pictures in mission magazines of missionaries 'working' for God and when they visited our parish I was in awe of them. As I grew up this fascination grew with me and people like Mother Teresa became one I admired, respected and saw as one who gave her life totally in service to Christ..(Of course my father, a parish priest was well up in my books also.) What an inspiration these people and more have been in my life.
I read in a book called 'God Calling' a simple phrase that said, 'God's calling ......FOR ME.' We can always draw inspiration from people around us who live extraordinary lives of love and service, who spark the best in us. When we hear of Christians exemplifying God's best best in their love for others, their service and their character..................learn their song......and sing it, calling out to God, 'Lord help me leave a legacy of love.'
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
As a child I grew more and more fascinated in people who worked and devoted their life for God. I loved to see pictures in mission magazines of missionaries 'working' for God and when they visited our parish I was in awe of them. As I grew up this fascination grew with me and people like Mother Teresa became one I admired, respected and saw as one who gave her life totally in service to Christ..(Of course my father, a parish priest was well up in my books also.) What an inspiration these people and more have been in my life.
I read in a book called 'God Calling' a simple phrase that said, 'God's calling ......FOR ME.' We can always draw inspiration from people around us who live extraordinary lives of love and service, who spark the best in us. When we hear of Christians exemplifying God's best best in their love for others, their service and their character..................learn their song......and sing it, calling out to God, 'Lord help me leave a legacy of love.'
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
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