Monday, December 8, 2014

Its a glorious feeling

Its a glorious feeling to be able to unload my heart, to spill out my gratitude in thanks to you O God. Morning noon and night I want the whole world to know of your love. Psalm 92:1-2 (Psalms Now)
One of my favourite books of the bible is the book of psalms. There is something written in those pages that is for all occasions and in the words of the psalmist, of pain,anger, frustration, joy and praise, we are given the right to express ourselves likewise.The translation I like to dip into is called 'Psalms Now' It has a freshness and a clarity and psalm 92 ends this way.
'Help us, those of us who love you, O God, to prove to our disjointed world, that you are in our         midst.' Marcina Wiederkehr would say: May your work this day be your love made visible;may you breathe upon the wounds of those with whom you work;may your voice this day be a voice of encouragement;may your life be an answer to someones prayer;may the lamp of your life shine upon all you meet this day.
May the Spirit touch your spirit in this morning pause and your day be blessed.
Anne, servant of the Lord