Monday, December 1, 2014

flickering candles

Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob;that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his path. Isaiah 2:3
I watched the Advent candle on the altar flicker in the breeze from the open window. It seemed fragile and vulnerable but yet it refused to be snuffed out and it brought to mind something I had read.  'A boy threw a stone at a stained glass window of the incarnation. It nicked out the  'E' in the word highest, in the text 'Glory to God in the Highest.'  Now it read: ' Glory to God in the High St.'
As we enter the season of Advent we are instructed to keep awake. To be ever watchful for the coming of the Lord and I think of our daily lives out there in the world(in the High St) doing the ministry of Jesus Christ. I think of the people who have crossed my path and yours and now, this Advent will be more aware of the concept of 'keeping awake'  You know them, you have befriended them, those who were isolated, lonely, needy and poor and to them you brought the love of God that emanates peace.  Stay awake so you can be prepared for Christ's return as you live a life of serving Christ in our broken world.  Go to the mountain of the Lord, frequently.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.