Monday, July 21, 2014

pray for the peace, pray for the peace

How they are destroyed in a moment, swept away utterly by terrors! Ps 73:19
There are many dark places full of haunts of violence in the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem and indeed as we see, in the world..  To the sound of wailing air raid sirens I watched combat, missile carrying helicopters fly over and  cloud the otherwise bright sky of Jerusalem, I couldn't help but  think how swift and unexpected violence can be. Moments ago I had been preparing for my days outing in peace and quiet and suddenly I found myself running for the air raid shelter. War erupted over the kidnap and death of three Israeli boys and the retaliation of the brutal death of a Palestinian boy. And today there is a personal tension of praise to God and grief.  I arrived home safely on my flight but 298 people on another flight didn't.
Where is God in all of this we may well ask. I answer myself  by saying God is healing, comforting, strengthening and loving as Jerusalem churches (and churches around the world) provide sanctuary, education and other assistance to all. The churches are a sanctuary and the voice of the voiceless speaking out loudly for change. Every evening at Evensong in St Georges Cathedral we ended the service with the quiet repetitious chant of: Pray for the peace, pray for the peace, pray for the peace of Jerusalem ( the world) I find now each evening after Compline I quietly sing that same chant. How are you the voice of the church in our turbulent world?