Friday, November 29, 2013

The presence of the Lord

Be still for the presence of the Lord is moving in this place. (Christian song)
 I find this new suburb I live in quite an amazing place and such a new experience. I can go several days without seeing what I call an' Aussie'. There are many Indian people, Thai,Chinese, Sudanese and  Italian, it is so multicultural but what I love is they are not afraid to express who they are and it seems they bring their God with them. I see in some gardens a Buddha, in another a dragon, another little tea houses lit with candles and over doorways various symbols of peace and protection but this is the bit I like best, more and more I am seeing Christian symbols. On one front door hangs a cross, in another window hangs a cross and on another door is a sign which says'Praise the Lord'. For some reason it gives me goosebumps as we all live together, a community of faith, however that is expressed, and among it all our Lord and God is standing tall.. And me, how is my home identified? I have a Celtic cross hanging in my front window and in Hebrew on a plaque on my porch are the words 'Shalom'. Whats that bible verse about not hiding your light under a bushel?