Friday, November 22, 2013

God's creatures

' All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small.' (Hymn)
I am amazed. How long has God been with  me on this earth? 6 score years and more and still I see his glory in so many new ways. I was sitting at my desk after having had a lovely walk in the morning, the fields fresh from new rain and here comes a wood pigeon, one I call a top knot, and he sits on the bird feeder, one eye cautiously watching me as he eats the seed provided for him. His colours on his grey wings are turquoise and scarlet, shimmering in the soft sun light and on his head (well really, God has such a sense of humour) there is the neatest, tidiest strands of fine feathers standing upright as if lathered with bryl cream. You know, sometimes it doesn't matter how rough things might get God can always produce something that puts a smile on your face. Its like he says,'here, look who I have asked to visit you this morning to bring you joy and pleasure.'
What has God shown you today of his love for you? Did it come in the way of a lovely bird, a special animal, a friend or simply but profoundly the gift of this new day?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.