Friday, November 15, 2013

God's world

'The earth is the Lords and everything in it.' Psalm 24:1
A glorious walk in the freshness of the morning and what a start to the day.   I saw in front of me  several black swans walking along the road as they head for a morning swim in the pond, occasionally browsing on the verge for a taste of breakfast and a carpet of pink and grey of the Galahs already feasting on new sown seed. The cheeky peewee breaks the silence and is already busy with his day and the trill of the blue wrens and the colour of the wild flowers just make it all so lovely .To capture it I reflect on   the words of Henry Gariepy: 'Wildflowers were dancing in the breeze, a moment  of   pure   joy and  songs of all sorts form in my heart. Oh the delight of little things that trickle into the moment.'                                                                                           Taste and see, for the Lord is Good.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.