I spent what seemed like time indefinite, in the presence of the Lord. Not with my head in a book of prayers, though that is nice at times. Not with my head in a book of meditations, that is nice also, but I sat creating my own prayers and my own meditation in communion with God just surveying all around and all before me with my heart and eyes fixed on creation and God's beauty. For all I saw and heard and felt was of God.
Mountain tops poked out of low cloud, valleys swept with mist that settled in pockets of still and undulating hills. The sea, quiet, gently rolling onto the thousands of grains of sand, washed white and covered with treasures from the sea: shells,fragments of coloured glass,drift wood and polished stones and as if for my pure joy God sends a sea eagle to hover and cruise before my eyes. Each and every presence was a God moment and a 'bell of mindfulness
' and my heart shouted for joy to the Lord.
Thank you God for moments of stillness and quiet.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.