Monday, July 6, 2015

treasures and gems

Jesus puts this song into our heart. TIS 670
Its such a 'God thing' when something catches our eye and our mind says Yes, I see it Lord. I see you. How often do we miss the little things in life, the momentary treasures. But when we catch a glimpse of them its  like looking through the clouded fog and seeing a distant house light.  As I looked out the window this morning my first reaction was being confronted by the thick fog, a 'pea souper' where there is nothing  else to see but fog but then, something glistening, shining, ever so small caught my eye and it was beads of moisture, the size of a pea, glistening, shining all along the branch of the naked tree like tiny lights, only there for a moment then gone as the light shifted and I though, even in the thick fog God is there, his light shining.  I love God moments, they ground you,such spiritual moments, such blessings.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.