Monday, July 20, 2015

God's glory

The night has passed and the day lies open before us........(.APBA. Morning prayer)
We don't know what a day holds when we first encounter it. As a morning person I see it fresh, new, quiet and seemingly untouched with a feel of peace and calm about it and I cant think of a better way, a better place, to start a day and  give thanks to God. Today, as the sun rose there was a 'glitter' and a 'sparkle' all over the frosty ground as the sun rays skimmed the earth and though freezing cold, somehow the beauty took the sharp edge off that feel. 'That's glorious' I found myself saying  and then I realised why we say 'the glory of the Lord shines all around us.' and in confidence I set my sights on the day ahead knowing that glory of the Lord is always shining around about us.
(Anon) 'In the early morning hours, twix the night and day, while from the earth the darkness passes, silently away, then 'tis sweet to talk with Jesus in thy chamber still......for the coming days and duties, ask to know his will.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord