Be still for the presence of the Lord is moving in this place. (Christian song)
I find this new suburb I live in quite an amazing place and such a new experience. I can go several days without seeing what I call an' Aussie'. There are many Indian people, Thai,Chinese, Sudanese and Italian, it is so multicultural but what I love is they are not afraid to express who they are and it seems they bring their God with them. I see in some gardens a Buddha, in another a dragon, another little tea houses lit with candles and over doorways various symbols of peace and protection but this is the bit I like best, more and more I am seeing Christian symbols. On one front door hangs a cross, in another window hangs a cross and on another door is a sign which says'Praise the Lord'. For some reason it gives me goosebumps as we all live together, a community of faith, however that is expressed, and among it all our Lord and God is standing tall.. And me, how is my home identified? I have a Celtic cross hanging in my front window and in Hebrew on a plaque on my porch are the words 'Shalom'. Whats that bible verse about not hiding your light under a bushel?
Friday, November 29, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
The gift we can give
'We have not ceased praying for you.' Col 1:9
I marveled at the amount of people who were in the shopping mall. Some with Christmas trees in their shopping trolley and many with trolleys full of toys and food all getting ready to celebrate Christmas as they know it and are thinking about what gifts to give to what family member or friend and I found myself thinking about gift giving.
One of the greatest gifts I have received, and in hindsight given, I experienced again last week.
An older person I care for was going off to the hospital to see his specialist after having had tests for cancer. He was off to 'hear the outcome' of the tests and he was anxious, somewhat distressed and as he got into the community car he grabbed my arm and said, 'You know I am not religious but please pray for me I am so scared' I assured him I would light a candle and pray. While the outcome of his visit was not good news he seemed to never the less be brighter.' Just knowing you were praying for me,' he said,' made such a difference. I felt the anxiety go and a peace arrived in its place.'
What a gift we both received that day.Never underestimate the power of prayer, its a wonderful gift
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
I marveled at the amount of people who were in the shopping mall. Some with Christmas trees in their shopping trolley and many with trolleys full of toys and food all getting ready to celebrate Christmas as they know it and are thinking about what gifts to give to what family member or friend and I found myself thinking about gift giving.
One of the greatest gifts I have received, and in hindsight given, I experienced again last week.
An older person I care for was going off to the hospital to see his specialist after having had tests for cancer. He was off to 'hear the outcome' of the tests and he was anxious, somewhat distressed and as he got into the community car he grabbed my arm and said, 'You know I am not religious but please pray for me I am so scared' I assured him I would light a candle and pray. While the outcome of his visit was not good news he seemed to never the less be brighter.' Just knowing you were praying for me,' he said,' made such a difference. I felt the anxiety go and a peace arrived in its place.'
What a gift we both received that day.Never underestimate the power of prayer, its a wonderful gift
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
Friday, November 22, 2013
God's creatures
' All things bright and beautiful all creatures great and small.' (Hymn)
I am amazed. How long has God been with me on this earth? 6 score years and more and still I see his glory in so many new ways. I was sitting at my desk after having had a lovely walk in the morning, the fields fresh from new rain and here comes a wood pigeon, one I call a top knot, and he sits on the bird feeder, one eye cautiously watching me as he eats the seed provided for him. His colours on his grey wings are turquoise and scarlet, shimmering in the soft sun light and on his head (well really, God has such a sense of humour) there is the neatest, tidiest strands of fine feathers standing upright as if lathered with bryl cream. You know, sometimes it doesn't matter how rough things might get God can always produce something that puts a smile on your face. Its like he says,'here, look who I have asked to visit you this morning to bring you joy and pleasure.'
What has God shown you today of his love for you? Did it come in the way of a lovely bird, a special animal, a friend or simply but profoundly the gift of this new day?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
I am amazed. How long has God been with me on this earth? 6 score years and more and still I see his glory in so many new ways. I was sitting at my desk after having had a lovely walk in the morning, the fields fresh from new rain and here comes a wood pigeon, one I call a top knot, and he sits on the bird feeder, one eye cautiously watching me as he eats the seed provided for him. His colours on his grey wings are turquoise and scarlet, shimmering in the soft sun light and on his head (well really, God has such a sense of humour) there is the neatest, tidiest strands of fine feathers standing upright as if lathered with bryl cream. You know, sometimes it doesn't matter how rough things might get God can always produce something that puts a smile on your face. Its like he says,'here, look who I have asked to visit you this morning to bring you joy and pleasure.'
What has God shown you today of his love for you? Did it come in the way of a lovely bird, a special animal, a friend or simply but profoundly the gift of this new day?
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, November 18, 2013
solid ground
' The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge'.
2 Samuel 22.2
It stands on the side of the mountain through all weather, torrential rain, fierce sun, gale force winds and storms, this massive granite outcrop that occupies a large portion of its space solid, firm, unbreakable, strong and despite its massive presence I use to climb this mountain as a child and sit for hours on a large outcrop pondering the valley below with a great sense of peace. I suspect that its crevices and 'spaces' are places for shelter and safety for the animals and birds that call the rock their home. I get the impression that if it were to rain forever, and all the soil was washed from the mountain that it
would still be standing, solid and firm, unmovable and steadfast.
God is our rock. When he occupies a large portion of our space or when we climb and crawl onto his lap he becomes a solid place of refuge. When all else falls away he is still there, strong, firm, permanent. Steadfast and everlasting are the words the scriptures use.
The Sunday School song said it all I think: 'The wise man built his house upon the rock.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
2 Samuel 22.2
It stands on the side of the mountain through all weather, torrential rain, fierce sun, gale force winds and storms, this massive granite outcrop that occupies a large portion of its space solid, firm, unbreakable, strong and despite its massive presence I use to climb this mountain as a child and sit for hours on a large outcrop pondering the valley below with a great sense of peace. I suspect that its crevices and 'spaces' are places for shelter and safety for the animals and birds that call the rock their home. I get the impression that if it were to rain forever, and all the soil was washed from the mountain that it
would still be standing, solid and firm, unmovable and steadfast.
God is our rock. When he occupies a large portion of our space or when we climb and crawl onto his lap he becomes a solid place of refuge. When all else falls away he is still there, strong, firm, permanent. Steadfast and everlasting are the words the scriptures use.
The Sunday School song said it all I think: 'The wise man built his house upon the rock.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, November 15, 2013
God's world
'The earth is the Lords and everything in it.' Psalm 24:1
A glorious walk in the freshness of the morning and what a start to the day. I saw in front of me several black swans walking along the road as they head for a morning swim in the pond, occasionally browsing on the verge for a taste of breakfast and a carpet of pink and grey of the Galahs already feasting on new sown seed. The cheeky peewee breaks the silence and is already busy with his day and the trill of the blue wrens and the colour of the wild flowers just make it all so lovely .To capture it I reflect on the words of Henry Gariepy: 'Wildflowers were dancing in the breeze, a moment of pure joy and songs of all sorts form in my heart. Oh the delight of little things that trickle into the moment.' Taste and see, for the Lord is Good.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
A glorious walk in the freshness of the morning and what a start to the day. I saw in front of me several black swans walking along the road as they head for a morning swim in the pond, occasionally browsing on the verge for a taste of breakfast and a carpet of pink and grey of the Galahs already feasting on new sown seed. The cheeky peewee breaks the silence and is already busy with his day and the trill of the blue wrens and the colour of the wild flowers just make it all so lovely .To capture it I reflect on the words of Henry Gariepy: 'Wildflowers were dancing in the breeze, a moment of pure joy and songs of all sorts form in my heart. Oh the delight of little things that trickle into the moment.' Taste and see, for the Lord is Good.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Monday, November 11, 2013
sing a new song
He put a new song in my mouth. Psalm 40:3
When I step out side for the morning walk my heart sings at the joy of freedom, and beauty in all there is about me in my world. The sun rises with memorable colour and a peaceful presence and the song my heart sings to the Lord is one of gratitude and blessings at the dawning of the new day full of potential and hope.
But I pause to reflect on the 100 and 1000's of people effected by the Typhoon in the Philippines and I think how can they sing a new song today, in fact will their hearts ever sing again and what will that new song look like?
I love this song sung by Celtic Thunder which I think helps the questions I have asked and certainly sustains me when I feel challenged in life. The song refers to' the home land' and I can relate it to God and his love of us. It goes like this: ' You are the voice, you are the song,the song ever singing in me and you are the heart ever true........ the voice ever calling me home to you.'
God is our refuge, our ever present help and we will always sing a song to him while he lives in us even though it may take our hearts awhile to compose it.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
When I step out side for the morning walk my heart sings at the joy of freedom, and beauty in all there is about me in my world. The sun rises with memorable colour and a peaceful presence and the song my heart sings to the Lord is one of gratitude and blessings at the dawning of the new day full of potential and hope.
But I pause to reflect on the 100 and 1000's of people effected by the Typhoon in the Philippines and I think how can they sing a new song today, in fact will their hearts ever sing again and what will that new song look like?
I love this song sung by Celtic Thunder which I think helps the questions I have asked and certainly sustains me when I feel challenged in life. The song refers to' the home land' and I can relate it to God and his love of us. It goes like this: ' You are the voice, you are the song,the song ever singing in me and you are the heart ever true........ the voice ever calling me home to you.'
God is our refuge, our ever present help and we will always sing a song to him while he lives in us even though it may take our hearts awhile to compose it.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Listen long
You turn my wailing into dancing;you removed the sackcloth and clothed me with joy. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. Ps 30:11,12
Daily pressures, rush,anxiety and clamoring to see an end to the amount of jobs we think we need to do leaves us very little space for the sacred, those moments that refresh us, connect us and calm us but Oh when we find them what joy, what healing, what strength.
I have taken to almost sitting in my new garden which is flourishing and there I hear the voice of God. There I see his face among the blossoms and the blooms, there I experience his perfume, there I touch his hand, there I feel the breath of the Spirit on the wind. Where is your sacred space? Where do you off load, let down and just be, in the precious company of God?
I read this quote(not sure of the author) It said: ' I listen long for silent songs playing in hidden places.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Daily pressures, rush,anxiety and clamoring to see an end to the amount of jobs we think we need to do leaves us very little space for the sacred, those moments that refresh us, connect us and calm us but Oh when we find them what joy, what healing, what strength.
I have taken to almost sitting in my new garden which is flourishing and there I hear the voice of God. There I see his face among the blossoms and the blooms, there I experience his perfume, there I touch his hand, there I feel the breath of the Spirit on the wind. Where is your sacred space? Where do you off load, let down and just be, in the precious company of God?
I read this quote(not sure of the author) It said: ' I listen long for silent songs playing in hidden places.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
Monday, November 4, 2013
loving kindness
'I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with loving kindness' says the Lord. Jeremiah 31:3
Imagine this. The Lord sitting at a rough wooden table,or in a garden, or on a rock ledge overlooking the sea of Galilee reflecting, contemplating, imagining YOU. He has a sketch book on his lap and a pencil in his hand and he is drawing, drawing you with loving kindness and he puts into it feelings of hope. Hope that you will be his child. Hope that you will love him. Hope that your life will be full. Hope that you will talk of him, to many others and show his love.Hope that life will be journeyed together in its fullness.
I shared this loving kindness and hope with an elderly terminally ill man last week, sharing with him the greatness of God's creation in him and simply asked he picture God with a sketch pad and pencil, drawing him with love.
Mother Teresa said: We are also pencils in the hand of God. Let him create something wonderful with your life as you serve him.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Imagine this. The Lord sitting at a rough wooden table,or in a garden, or on a rock ledge overlooking the sea of Galilee reflecting, contemplating, imagining YOU. He has a sketch book on his lap and a pencil in his hand and he is drawing, drawing you with loving kindness and he puts into it feelings of hope. Hope that you will be his child. Hope that you will love him. Hope that your life will be full. Hope that you will talk of him, to many others and show his love.Hope that life will be journeyed together in its fullness.
I shared this loving kindness and hope with an elderly terminally ill man last week, sharing with him the greatness of God's creation in him and simply asked he picture God with a sketch pad and pencil, drawing him with love.
Mother Teresa said: We are also pencils in the hand of God. Let him create something wonderful with your life as you serve him.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Giving thanks
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Psalm 100:1
I spent what seemed like time indefinite, in the presence of the Lord. Not with my head in a book of prayers, though that is nice at times. Not with my head in a book of meditations, that is nice also, but I sat creating my own prayers and my own meditation in communion with God just surveying all around and all before me with my heart and eyes fixed on creation and God's beauty. For all I saw and heard and felt was of God.
Mountain tops poked out of low cloud, valleys swept with mist that settled in pockets of still and undulating hills. The sea, quiet, gently rolling onto the thousands of grains of sand, washed white and covered with treasures from the sea: shells,fragments of coloured glass,drift wood and polished stones and as if for my pure joy God sends a sea eagle to hover and cruise before my eyes. Each and every presence was a God moment and a 'bell of mindfulness
Eden. NSW
' and my heart shouted for joy to the Lord.
Thank you God for moments of stillness and quiet.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
I spent what seemed like time indefinite, in the presence of the Lord. Not with my head in a book of prayers, though that is nice at times. Not with my head in a book of meditations, that is nice also, but I sat creating my own prayers and my own meditation in communion with God just surveying all around and all before me with my heart and eyes fixed on creation and God's beauty. For all I saw and heard and felt was of God.
Mountain tops poked out of low cloud, valleys swept with mist that settled in pockets of still and undulating hills. The sea, quiet, gently rolling onto the thousands of grains of sand, washed white and covered with treasures from the sea: shells,fragments of coloured glass,drift wood and polished stones and as if for my pure joy God sends a sea eagle to hover and cruise before my eyes. Each and every presence was a God moment and a 'bell of mindfulness
' and my heart shouted for joy to the Lord.
Thank you God for moments of stillness and quiet.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
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