Friday, September 4, 2020

shards of love

Richer than gold is the Love of my Lord: better than splendour and wealth (TIS 534)
Love is a God gift that is given to us all. The one factor that gets in the way is that we rush through life and miss so much of this gift of love . We miss the love gifts that God has given us that enrich our lives and give us a 'warm inner ' feeling and a sense of his presence. In a busy life the challenge is to see the gifts as we live life and to not go right past things that show us God's love. It is spring and God's love is abounding. The roses are flush with abundant new growth, the Daphne is not only a sight to behold but carries God's fragrance as does the bed of violets and the tree of  wattle  and the daffodils. I mean, really its only love that can create their  bright yellow colour and unique trumpet and its hard to go past one without smiling!  God's love shines in so many ways , made just for us, but we have to slow down to see it.
God's love