Monday, March 4, 2019

Come away with me for a moment.

Glorious things of you are spoken. (TIS 446)
When I pause at the flowering gum tree  to look closer at the deep, deep red of its colour, a delicate flower of beauty on an otherwise grey tree, or see a  clump of violets growing through the crack in the pathway, or the blue wren dancing on the fence just waiting for me to pass on my daily walk, then I am mesmerized,  fixed to the spot. I don't want to hurry past that place. I just want to stay with the sense of 'meeting with God'. Its like looking into his face.Like making eye contact with him.
Helen Steiner Rice wrote: I come to meet with you God. I linger here, I seem to feel you very near,  a rustling leaf, a rolling slope.
May the glorious things of God stop you in your tracks today.
Anne, servant of the Lord
A delicate flower of deep beauty.