Monday, January 29, 2018

no drum roll

My mouth is filled with your praise. Ps 71:8
Stillness is a powerful thing. Many things are born in stillness. Many things happen in stillness.Stillness is a mystery. For example I placed 3 stems of lilies in a vase, they were just buds on a long stem and then later that day I was taken by surprise at the full blooms they had turned into. Glorious, perfumed filled cluster of colour.  There was no fan fare, no orchestra playing the alleluia chorus, no drum roll, no shouting, just stillness.So often stillness is filled with God.  Sister Kennedy says: A flame burning, a  snowflake falling, bud opening, wheel spinning - the dynamic of stillness.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord
In the stillness - a new day is born.