Friday, January 26, 2018

never underestimate God!

Let all who are faithful offer prayer to you. Psalm 32:6
I smiled to myself when I was out for an evening walk and got caught in the rain. I smiled because earlier in the day a friend had said to me as she looked at the weather map, (which showed all the coming rain missing our area.) 'Do something', she said. I made some comment like the prayers of 2 or 3 may be better than one.  As I walked away I said to God. 'Some rain would be lovely, send some our way!' Macrina Wiederkehr said: Rain fell gently on the thirsty ground. Slowly, carefully,steadily it came to an earth parched with waiting. Through those holy raindrops I walked, unafraid - without an umbrella. I knew it was God.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
Parched earth...... waiting.