Monday, July 17, 2017

your glorious light

God himself is present, let us now adore him (TIS 121)
There is something special in that thin space between night and day and we call it dawn because that is what it is, the dawning of a new day with new possibilities, new hopes and new opportunities and it is such a gift. And, its this special time of the day that God and I are one. I love hymn 121 . The verses are full of words that are so meaningful and sit beautifully on my heart. Its one of those hymns that keep coming to you hours and days after its been sung and its words put you in a place of prayer and meditation . (v3) 'Let your glorious light, Lord, permeating all things, reach my face and eyes to touch them: as the tender flowers open out their petals, to the sun their hearts unfolding, So may I, calm in joy, hold your rays from heaven, power within me working.'   
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Anne, servant of the Lord