Friday, July 22, 2016

lift your face to the day star

Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, so that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14
As I thing of the day that lies before us. I think of the challenges, the peoples paths we will cross; those who will be rejoicing, those who will be mourning, those seeking a shoulder to lean on, those who need encouragement, those who bless and please us, those who need a touch of God's love. Those who need a kind hand to pick them up and set them on the path again.
You know, nothing satisfies me more  early in the morning than to feel that call from God to come and spend some time with him. The quiet of the  morning seeps deep into my being and there it liaises with God taking in peace, hope, love, calm,joy, strength and understanding. Tools for the day, gifts to share and a sense of being sent forth with God's blessing.
Macrina Wiederkher wrote: Lift your face to the day star now, experience the coming of dawn, bathed in morning light, pray that the lantern of your life move gently through this day into all those places where light is needed.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ,
Anne, servant of the Lord
Those who need a helping hand