Monday, July 18, 2016

I see you Lord

And all the peoples behold his glory. Psalm 97:6
Sometimes we feel we are looking into the eye of God. I have a beautiful book called 'A Tree full of Angels' by Macrina Wiederkehr and in one section she talks of a 'meditation pause' quoting Guigo, and it says: Until your heart is touched....
I look in awe at the buds on the prunus tree just getting ready to bust and some have already popped out of their little cocoons of cover, blushing a spot of cheeky pink.
I look in awe at the deep red of the flowering gum blossom, dressed like little ballerinas in tu-tu's.
And I saw them.....a tree full of angels, and my heart was touched and my silent whisper said, ' I see you Lord.'
Look about but just don't look about, look and see the Lord
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord