Friday, April 10, 2015

When least expected.

Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Luke 24:31
I stood  at the place acknowledged as Emmaus and looked towards Jerusalem. I paused and reflected on the biblical story of the Emmaus walk and how the two, walking along, didn't recognize the risen Christ who had joined them. He came alongside when they were at least expecting to see him. How many times can we say that has been our experience? We have been engaged in 'the doing' and didn't see Christ's presence. We have prayed and prayed for someone or ourselves and didn't see the answered prayer until in hindsight. We endeavor to walk with the homeless, the lonely, the isolated, the poor, the sick and often don't see that we are walking with Christ in disguise.Once the two walking on the road to Emmaus recognized the risen Christ they rejoiced and rushed to share the news with the disciples. 'He is risen indeed.' they said.'We have seen him.' Lets make sure we also  tell others when we have experienced the risen Christ.
May his word and life live through us.
Anne, servant of the Lord

                                                 Breaking of bread in the Eucharist at Emmaus.