Friday, April 17, 2015

The breath of God

Jesus said to them again.'Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me,so I send you.' When he had said this, he breathed on them  and said to them . 'Receive the Holy Spirit.' John 20:21-22
Imagine it. Imagine Jesus so close that you can feel his breath. How personal would that be and  it would be impossible to deny him.
During the service at the local nursing home we sang the beautiful old hymn, 'Breathe on me Breath of God' just before taking communion and in a space of silence after the last verse one of the ladies said. 'How beautiful is that. How  special that is.......... breathe on me breath of God...............that is so lovely.' I looked at her, we made eye contact and for a moment I knew that God had breathed on us all sitting there that morning. We sat in a deep sense of peace.
                                                  Grace and Peace from the Lord be with you
                                                             Anne,servant of the Lord
                               Photo: Crusade preservation of the site of the upper room Jerusalem