Monday, April 6, 2015

rekindled fire

Take our  lives and let them be consecrated Lord to thee...take our moments and our days, let them flow in ceaseless praise. (  Hymn by Alan Wilson 1945)
The celebration of Easter has stayed in my mind and my heart all my life.As a child it was an exciting time at church. Palm Sunday saw the processions with the palm branches, the rich red liturgical colours and the memorable rousing hymn singing such as 'Ride on ride on in Majesty.' We would go home after the event clutching our treasured palm cross. But more meaningful I think, we went home with a 'fire,' a 'passion',an excitement within us  that stayed alight over the years and is relived every time I open my prayer book and am faced with a particular fading, discoloured aging palm cross. Holy week is memorable, not just for reliving the events and refreshing our memories but  because it transforms our lives and our ministries and somehow we come to Easter Monday and in some way we are changed. Our relationship with the risen Christ has taken on a deeper sense of commitment and the first fire in our hearts is rekindled yet again.
Go forth into the world to LOVE and to SERVE the Lord.
Anne, servant of the Lord.
sunrise over the sea of Galilee.