Friday, February 20, 2015

rich or poor?

One man pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor;yet has great wealth. Proverbs 13:7
You would think I had been given a million dollars as I looked at the country side outside my front door. Try and describe God's love and no amount of human wealth can match its value or its worth.What a daily gift I have had put before me. The soft mist on the surrounding hills that are graced with a sweeping pink colour of the promise of the sun rising. The stillness of the pond with a few wood ducks grazing the reeds, 'talking' in soft noises to each other as if sharing the same joy of the quiet that I am. The long sweep of the valley dotted with black cows and bales of new mown  hay. I can smell it from here! The rays of early sun shining on the ears of the wild oat grass making each to look like a wealth of gold. And a family of kookaburras  laughing, filling the quiet countryside with joy.Its all so special, so much so that I could lose myself in the moment and just stand and gaze in wonder. Every where I looked was God's love, wrapped in the presence, gifts greater than any money can buy, gifts of the richness of God's love.

                             ' Find a beautiful place and lose yourself in it.'

and the bluebells on the roadside.


Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord.