Friday, February 27, 2015

blue mist and dew dampened grass

Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go. Matthew 8:19
O the joy, the pure delight of the freshness of the morning full of God's love. That hint of Autumn hovers over the hills, the colour of blue mist and dew dampened grass smells of fresh cut hay and a wonderful chorus from a dozen or more magpies goes up from the height of the tallest eucalyptus. Its true whats said, 'that once God is in your heart, he is everywhere.'
I was reading some poems by Mary Oliver and this one resonated with me  this morning:

Oh, feed me this day, Holy Spirit, with
 the fragrance of the fields and the
 freshness of the oceans which you have
 made, and help me to hear and to hold
 in all dearness those exciting and wonderful
words of our Lord Jesus, saying:
Follow me.

Image of God's love.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.