' He went up to the mountain to pray.' Mark6:46
There is always a sense of 'coming aside' and relief or a 'breathing space' when we are in a situation that is 'full on' or intense, or we have had a day of 'giving out' and we step aside for a moment, out of the situation and into a place where there is just self and quiet.
Sometimes that can be taking our self off for a walk at the end of the day.
Sometimes it can be stepping out of the world and into the cathedral.
As I drive home from a day of ministry I often pull the car off the road and onto the dirt track and just sit. There before me, though I live in a city is the wide expanse of vineyards and mountains all emanating peace, stillness and respite.
I like this prayer:
Dear Lord, the noise and hurry of the day have broken their hold, and I have slipped away. For this moment in time I am free to melt into you. (Pat Robson)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.