Monday, July 5, 2010

O the love of Jesus

' Do the work of telling the Good News.' 2 Timothy 4:5

I was chatting to an elderly lady after we had shared home communion together yesterday and she was showing me the teddy bears she knits to put in the Christmas boxes for the children overseas, dozens of them all knitted with love and prayers and sent in the name of Christ. She said, 'I have been told that the children who receive these bears, some 14 years old, run around with them hanging out of the back pocket of their shorts.'
What an inspiration. 91 years old and serving our Lord in this the very end. No feet up attitude of having done my bit......but serving Christ to the very end with the gifts he has given her.
Lucado says:
'For every hero in the spotlight, there are dozens in the shadows. They don't get press, they don't draw crowds, they don't even write books.......behind a rock slide is a pebble.

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.