' You Lord God are strength for my task.' Celtic prayer
Just a look at the dawn breaking into a new day, tucking stars away and spreading a soft, quiet light caused me to just throw open my heart and invite Jesus in.
What a start to a day to meet Jesus full on before your feet even hit the ground and before your whole being is touched by the world.
I think of the opening lines of this Celtic prayer: 'Come my light, my Lord, my way. Come my lantern night and day.........' and am flooded with the love and protection of Jesus.
Sometimes our days and weeks are tough, this one for me saw the death of a baby, the death of a student from school, and a 91 year old diagnosed with cancer, all know, all I have shared some of life with and to top it off I had to refuse a couple marriage because one partner didn't want 'God' invited. Yet in all the 'doings' of daily life, there is God and I thank him for morning thoughts and morning protection for every day, what ever it brings.
Can we say that at the end of a day? We can and will if we finish the prayer.' Come my king enter my heart. Come Holy Presence. Never depart.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ