' Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.' Psalm 139: 7-8.
I sat looking at the distant mountains with a vast spread of land in the foreground of valleys and paddocks and sheep and as I was taking it in and pondering on the things of God I thought, there is no place where God isn't.
Everywhere we see, everyone we see ,
all we touch and do,
every bright day
every difficult day
there is God.
Yesterday I visited an isolated, wheelchair bound lady who lives in a cluster of community homes with others like her. I went in to visit to see how we might manage to get her to the book club we run at church and it was looking more and more difficult until it seemed that God present, spoke. 'Bring a book club here, there are others' and before I knew it we had a small group of unknown, isolated, lonely people keen, eager and waiting for us to start.
Lucado says:
Our asking where is God is like a fish asking "Where is water "or a bird asking "Where is air."
God is everywhere.
We cant find a place where God isn't.
Lord God, whose blessed Son rose in triumph and set us free grant us the fullness of life he promised to us, that through the Holy Spirit our hearts may posses him whom our eyes cannot see, the same Jesus Christ our Lord. (Daily office Sunday Morning APBA)
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.