Friday, May 13, 2022

Peace abounds.

 Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from heaven, like the first dew fall on the first grass. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, sprung from completeness where his feet pass. (V2 TIS 156. Morning has Broken)

There was a mystery in the morning as I looked from my sacred space, across the  lawn, thick with dew, to the green grassland just emerging through the morning mist, The garden lights were still on as the night hadn't quite given away to the emerging day. The trees, some naked of their leaves, others still undressing were still and empty, (the birds were still in bed!) Its quiet, ever so quiet and you could almost hear the bulging, bursting, pods of water drops falling from the bushes full of life giving water from the nights rain. Its a new day, a fresh day, a new beginning and what a way to begin it - with God - in silence, giving thanks for all he gives us, for all we have, Peace abounds in the sacred space. Do you find that in your sacred space? Peace abounds.

Peace to those who are far off. Peace to those who are near.    Anne, servant of the Lord
