Friday, March 18, 2022

Stay awhile with me.

 Turn your eyes upon Jesus. (Christian song)

I had a passage of scripture running through my mind and it was something like this, 'Where ever you are I am' and I thought of the war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Japan, the unprecedented flooding in our country, the suffering of so many and then I thought of the beautiful time with God captured on my recent silent retreat. O how one has to draw aside and take the grief and pain of the world into undistracted prayer and from my sacred place this morning  I thought of the deep love of God and saw that reflected in the creation and beauty around me. I sat staring at this love, manifested before me in the bright 'ballerina' flowers of the Fuchsia bush and I sat holding onto that love. In all the turmoil of our world, peace only abides in this love. May our prayers from our sacred spaces hold the world in that love. May we continually turn our eyes upon Jesus.

Let the peace of Christ dwell in your heart.

Anne, servant of the Lord.
