Monday, February 14, 2022

Things of beauty

O, taste and see, that the Lord is good......for he tastes like honey on the rock. (Christian Hymn) 

It is so quiet in the sacred space this morning and I looked over to the Grevilia bush and thought how glorious it looked clothed  in its new red covering and pondering the thought that yesterday they were just buds, pearl like strings of tight buds full of potential yet to be revealed and there they are today simply glowing, in their glory, and inviting, inviting to be admired, inviting for the bees to gather the nectar, for the birds to come and taste and see.( and I can see one has already  been as there is a tell tale feather hanging off the flowers, a message left of appreciation maybe?) 

The buzz of the bees was a delightful, happy, contented sound that filled my head with increasing joy and again I reflect on the words of Susan-Joy, 'not only has God given you beautiful colour but also a beautiful voice.' Those blooms were a beauty that has sprung out of naught, new born and that so reminded me of how God sees us, how we can become things of beauty springing out of naught.

Jehovah-shalom. The Lord is peace. 

 Anne, servant of the Lord

A tell tale feather.