Monday, October 12, 2020

What is your mantra?

This is my story, this is my song, praising my saviour all the day long. (Blessed Assurance.) Although born blind Fanny Crosby could still write beautiful hymns.

Don't let anything steal your joy! That's almost a mantra for me. There is so much good around us, there is so much beauty around us, there is so much love about us. Yes, and there is so much pain and  suffering yet, with God our joy can be complete. I mean, look about you - have you ever seen the earth so alive as in this spring? I look at the gardens, beautiful flowers all dressed in their best, each one a meditation in itself, and the green paddocks and those yellow with canola  and I just want to sing: Glorious things of thee are spoken. And 'the  birds are singing, throwing into the air praises.' (Mary Oliver) 

I like what St Benedict says:  Am I  fully alive - alive in my senses? Am I living with open ears and eyes?

Peace to those who are near and peace to those who are far off.

Anne, servant of the Lord

.            Green paddocks and yellow canola and the Lord is our shepherd.