Monday, February 18, 2019

Wow, God is awesome.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. John 14:27
We know what it is to have God's peace but I am often aware of  many in the community who do not know what it is to have  peace, let alone God's peace. I am a gardener and I love to be in the garden planting, pruning, pottering about and enjoying. Its one of my favorite places to meet with God among his handiwork and an abundance of  biblical imagery. You know the ones I mean; 'I am  the true vine,you are  the branches(John 15:1) - unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground. (John 12:24) - I have given you every plant yielding seed.(Gen 1:29)  The garden is such a place of peace and an awareness of the magnitude of the  love of God who blesses us with so much beauty and awe.  Lucado says: 'Want to see a miracle? Take a seed the size of a freckle. Put it under several inches of dirt, give it water,light and fertilizer and get ready. A mountain will be moved. It doesn't matter that the ground is a zillion times the weight of the seed. The seed will push it back! Never underestimate the power of a seed.' Just think for a moment. If you need peacethink of a seed, think of the magnitude of God, wait for the miracle, and be at peace.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
The miracle of a seed.