Monday, February 26, 2018

Where are you.

God, creator of the ends of the earth. Isa 40:28
So many times we find ourselves in places of wonder. Wonder at the beauty, wonder at the creation, wonder at its beginnings. I recall one such place when I sat between the two huge 'centennial 'like cliff faces in Simpson's Gap in Central Australia that flanked the life saving water hole. I came to that place. I paused. I wondered as I gazed at the scene before me set in the arid red sand of the desert and I asked God.' Where are you?' and a voice from within the rocks said. 'I am here - within every grain of ancient sand. I am here-in this pond of living water. I am here - in the tree roots clinging to the rocks. I am here - even in the 2 meter span of the cobweb that swings gently in the breeze, its ends attached to the rocks by the silk like threads'. Friedrick Beauchner said: When God created something where before there had been nothing as the author of the book of Job puts it: 'The morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy. Its the sheer and shimmering novelty of things,' (38:7)
At Simpson's Gap