Monday, February 19, 2018

an inheritance of joy.

The good person out of the treasure of their heart produces good. Luke 6:45
Somethings just stay with us all our life. Special things that are given to us  by family or friend and they are real treasures. In many ways they can shape our lives because they travel within us like a treasure in a clay pot. One such special treasure is the verse that my father wrote in my bible which was  a gift at my confirmation in 1957. It is from Psalm 119 V 105. 'Thy word is a lantern unto my feet; and a light unto my paths.'  While buried in my heart it has carried me through life.  John B Gough, a Temperance lecturer was given a text by his godly mother, which indeed became like buried treasure, for it lay hidden in his heart for many years.Treasure those godly people who have set your path in the right way.
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord.