Monday, August 1, 2016

gathering treasures

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. Matthew 13: 44
All our experiences come home with us in our minds at the end of the day. Some to be discarded, some to be treasured.  It reminds me of when we walk on the beach, along a dry creek bed or walking on the familiar morning walk and we bend down to pick up something that is to be admired and slipped into the pocket to take home and treasure. In my garden I have small shiny white stones and dark round smooth ones that were picked up on a walk. I have jars filled with lovely sea shells of all shapes and colours that serve as book ends on my book shelves.I have a collection of different couloured bird feathers that stand in a jar waiting for the next visit from the grandchildren. The stooping and picking up, the wonder and the noticing of everyday 'things' are real moments of oneness with God that we keep because they are 'moments with God.'.
S Larson writes: 'Moments (like these) that you keep wrapped in a tissue paper inside a jewelry box or set on a shelf in your room like upon an altar. Moments that center and ground us.'
Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Anne, servant of the Lord
 Treasured 'God moments' when these shards of china and glass were found' hidden' on the site of my GGparents property where nothing else remains of their life there.