Friday, August 12, 2016

a flower grows inside me

Teach us to count our days so that we may gain a wise heart. Psalm 90:12
I was looking at the Fuchsia in the garden, dormant, almost dead looking but then I saw tiny buds of life as new leaves were forming and I marveled at the fact that within a short space of time these leaves would be flourishing and green but what was more profound was the thought that from the very center of this creation flowers were forming ready to burst forth into new life when their time has come, turning something ordinary into something special and its all happening in the silence of the garden. I love silence. Things happen and grow and develop in silence, within the heart, the mind and the spirit. Its probably the next best thing to early morning walks where the silence is everywhere and in it you can hear and learn so much that has the potential to bring you life, turn your day into something lovely and beautiful. I like what Marion  von Waldner writes: 'From the center of my soul, a flower grows inside me, a love that makes me whole, a budding love that sets me free.'

Grace and peace from the Lord Jesus Christ
Anne, servant of the Lord